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Avoiding Demonic Interference from My Own Mind and Rectifying Myself in Dafa

Oct. 30, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) After I began to practice of Falun Dafa, Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) opened my celestial eye. I often glimpsed scenes and heard voices from other dimensions, which helped me in my cultivation to some degree and I sincerely thank Master for this gift.

During my two decades of cultivation, I often shared my supernatural encounters with fellow practitioners. They all envied me, so I thought that I cultivated well and that I was special. I described my visions regularly. Though I continued to suffer from sickness karma and many practitioners reminded me to look within, I did not discover my strong attachment of showing off.

Some righteous beings in other dimensions gave me hints about my shortcomings and tried to help me. But the old forces also capitalized on my weakness, introducing malevolent beings to praise me and feed my attachment.

Master saw that I was in a perilous situation and sent a practitioner to wake me up.

Not long ago, a practitioner came to my place to fix my broken printer. During our conversation, I once again recounted my visions from other dimensions. But he advised me to tell the beings I saw in other dimensions to leave and warned me that they could be harmful. His words startled me and I didn’t believe him.

He emphasized the importance of relying solely on Master’s teachings in our cultivation. He encouraging me to memorize Zhuan Falun and reminded me that even what other practitioners shared could only be used as references.

I finally realized that my cultivation had gone awry. My health had deteriorated, and I acknowledged the dangerous state I had fallen into. I expressed my gratitude to the practitioner for his reminder. I did not know this practitioner well and had met him only briefly before. Compassionate Master had arranged this encounter to steer me away from this perilous path.

I did start to memorize Zhuan Falun. When I reached to the section, “Why Doesn’t Your Gong Increase with Your Practice?” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun), a shiver ran down my spine, as I recognized that demonic interference from my own mind had almost led to my destruction.

One night later on, a malevolent being attempted to communicate with me. I ordered it to leave, warning it that Master would not tolerate its presence. In an instant, the entity vanished.

Thank you, Master.