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Istanbul, Turkey: Introducing Falun Gong and Raising Awareness of the Persecution by the Chinese Regime

Oct. 6, 2023 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Turkey

(Minghui.org) Turkish practitioners held events in September to introduce Falun Dafa and raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.

Introducing Falun Dafa at the Ecological Life Center

On Saturday, September 9, Turkish citizens were introduced to Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) at the Ecological Life Center of the Kadıköy Municipality in Istanbul.

Participants are taught the Falun Dafa exercises.

Concert at a Church in Istanbul

A practitioner gave a piano concert at the Santa Maria Draperis Catholic Church, one of the oldest active churches in Istanbul, built in 1584. During the concert, the audience listened carefully to information about Falun Gong and the persecution.

While the practitioner played the works of D. Scarlatti and J.S. Bach, representatives of Baroque music, she expressed how important it is to love God, and that these artists experienced the love of God.

Referring to Chapter 11 of the book How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World, she shared the following words written in a German Opera house, “Bach gave us the words of God, Mozart gave us the laughter of God, Beethoven gave us the passion of God. God gave us music to pray without words.”

Then the practitioner played a composition by the famous musician Tony Chen, as well as her own compositions. She talked about the ongoing persecution by the CCP. One of the guests told her, “Thank you very much for reminding us of some important things.”

Clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and the CCP’s persecution during a concert at the Santa Maria Draperis Catholic Church

Hakan Ali Toker, one of Turkey’s most successful pianists who performs internationally, was at the concert with his family. Toker said that the message given in the concert was very valuable and that it was also very nice that such a message was given in a pure field such as music.

People Introduced to Falun Dafa at the Coastline

On Sunday, September 24, on the beach opposite of the Chinese consulate, practitioners exposed the persecution by the CCP.

A young man passing by told a girl next to him about the persecution of Falun Dafa. A practitioner said, “You know so much about Falun Dafa. It’s so good, what you are saying is so true.” The young man said, “I live just across the street from the Consulate. I have been seeing your actions against the Chinese Consulate for years. I have received informational material from Falun Gong practitioners. I have read it and I am telling others about it.”

People learn about Falun Gong at the coastline.

Selma said that she lives in Prague and had heard about Falun Dafa and the persecution. When she saw the event and was told what was being talked about, she immediately wanted to come and sign the petition.

Osman Kaysal, a law student at Marmara University, said: “I believe that wherever there is communism, there will be persecution. I think that communism is a movement against independence and freedom. I signed the petition so that people all over the world can live in peace, tranquility and security. The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance should be spread throughout the world.”

Selim Gözübüyükoğlu, who is self-employed, said, “The persecution in China is a situation that no human being should experience. This is a very bad and sad thing.” He signed the petition to express his support to the practitioners.