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Miracles after Searching Within

Nov. 10, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) I began my practice of Falun Dafa in 1996 while I was in my 30s. I was suffering from many diseases, including myocarditis, migraines, frozen shoulders, stomach problems, low back pain, and gynecological diseases. Not long after I started practicing Dafa, all these symptoms disappeared and I no longer needed medicine. I felt so fortunate. 

I would like to share an experience of how I overcame three episodes of physical tribulations by looking within.

One morning a few years ago, I saw blood in my stool. I was not concerned. However I kept seeing blood in my stool for more than ten days. I knew it was not a disease and my family would worry, so I did not tell them. I sent forth righteous thoughts every day and searched within for what I had not done well. I knew I must correct myself based on the Fa. I told myself that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and I only walk the path Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) arranged for me. With Master’s protection and strengthening, I overcame the hurdle. 

Nearly a year later, the same symptom appeared again, and it was more serious. This time there was blood in both my stool and urine. Again it lasted for more than ten days. I still did everything as usual. I sent forth righteous thoughts and did not develop any fear. With strong faith in Master, the blood soon disappeared.

I told my family about what happened. They were all alarmed and wanted to take me to the hospital for an exam. I told them, “Dafa is miraculous. Without Dafa, I don’t know what would have happened to me. Be thankful to Dafa! It is Dafa's Master who saved me.” They were all convinced.

I saw blood in my stool again, six months later. I told another practitioner about it. She asked, “If this occurs again and again, you should search within.” 

I thought that Master must be speaking to me through that practitioner. I looked within again. I realized that I was not being strict with myself in terms of the cultivation of speech. I have always picked on my husband. I also picked on fellow practitioners’ shortcomings behind their back, about how they were not in compliance with the Fa. In Lecture Eight of Zhuan Falun, Master talked about “Cultivation of Speech” in a section specifically on that topic. Could it be I needed to pay special attention to it? 

After I got home, there was no blood in my stool. I found the right attachment, and the symptom was gone immediately. Since then, that symptom has not occurred again. I believe it will never happen again.

It is important for a cultivator to search within. I have realized that I must study the Fa more intensively and look inward. I have to correct myself, be tolerant of others, and pay attention to my speech. I should be kind to others and assimilate to Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I will memorize Master’s teachings on “Cultivation of Speech” to guide my words and deeds, and practice according to the requirements of the Fa. I will work hard to be a real practitioner.

Please point out anything that is not on the Fa.