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Guadeloupe: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution

Nov. 15, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in France

(Minghui.org) The French overseas region, Guadeloupe, is an island group in the southern Caribbean Sea. Falun Dafa practitioners participated in local cultural and sports events in September and October 2023. They introduced Falun Dafa and told people about the ongoing persecution in China. Locals praised Falun Dafa’s principles, welcomed practitioners, and signed the petition to end the persecution. Many people were interested in learning the exercises.

Practitioners Attend Local Festival

Many towns in Guadeloupe organize association festivals to promote their cultural and sports events.

A Falun Dafa practitioner is interviewed by the host during the event at Champ d’Arbaud in Basse-Terre on Saturday, September 16, 2023.

Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa to locals.

Falun Dafa practitioners introduced the practice to locals at the plaza in Champ d’Arbaud in Basse-Terre on September 16, 2023. Many people were interested in practicing Falun Dafa. In addition to teaching the five sets of exercises, practitioners also abided by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance which left a deep impression on people.

A practitioner who is a teacher introduced Falun Dafa to her colleagues and her students’ parents. A gentleman brought his wife to the Falun Dafa booth and the couple asked where the nearest practice site was. Practitioners invited them to the one at Basse-Terre’s city center. The couple came the following week.

Participating Petit-Bourg 12th Annual Association Festival

The 12th annual association festival was held at Gaël Monfils in Petit-Bourg. The event's theme, “Culture and Tradition” attracted many spectators.

Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa at the 12th Annual Association Festival in Petit-Bourg on September 16, 2023.

The Falun Dafa Association has been a guest of honor at the event for several years. They introduce Falun Dafa and tell people about the local practice site every Monday and Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Parc Saint-Jean.

Practitioners participated and demonstrated the exercises during the 12th Annual Association Festival in Petit-Bourg on September 16, 2023. Some people had already practiced the exercises in the past while others tried it for the first time. Many people praised the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and encouraged practitioners to continue spreading the truth about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing persecution. People were shocked when they heard about the atrocities committed by the CCP.

Practitioners Participate in Sport Salon and Introduce Falun Dafa

The 1st Annual Sport Salon was held in Gosier Stadium in Gosier from September 30-October 1, 2023, and organizers invited practitioners to introduce Falun Dafa and demonstrate the exercises.

Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa and demonstrate the exercises during the 1st Annual Sports Salon in Gosier from September 30 to October 1, 2023.

Spectators were eager to listen to Falun Dafa’s introduction. Many people said the world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. A woman said, “Falun Dafa practitioners lead a happy life.” She left her contact information and asked practitioners to keep her updated about future events.

People were shocked to learn what practitioners in China were going through. They were furious to learn that the CCP removes organs from practitioners while they are alive.

Introducing of Falun Dafa at the Beaches of Babin

Falun Dafa practitioners hold a truth-clarification activity at one of the many beaches in Babin on the first Sunday of every month. They introduce Falun Dafa to the public and collect signatures to help end the persecution.

Practitioners held an event at one of the beaches in Babin on October 1, 2023.

The beaches in Babin are famous for their silt deposits. Despite the bad weather, people still came to the activity and listened to practitioners as they introduced Falun Dafa. They signed the petition to end the CCP’s forced live organ harvesting.

Introducing Falun Dafa During the Inauguration of Dominica’s President

A practitioner was invited to the island of Dominica to attend the inauguration of the new president, Sylvanie Burton, on October 1, 2023.

A Falun Dafa practitioner (middle) with Mrs. Sylvanie Burton (right) and her husband (left).

Practitioners were invited to attend the inauguration of Dominica’s newly elected president, Mrs. Sylvanie Burton. The practitioner described the ongoing persecution of practitioners in China and how Falun Dafa is practiced in over 100 countries and regions. The practitioner also gave the president Falun Dafa’s informational website.

The president said, “It is a good thing to teach the Kalinago people Falun Dafa.” The president’s sister invited practitioners to show the people of Kalinago Territory how to practice Falun Dafa.

Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Zen Salon

The host interviews Falun Dafa practitioners at the Zen Salon.

Practitioners demonstrate the fifth exercise, the meditation at the Zen Salon.

Falun Dafa practitioners introduced the practice and demonstrated the exercises at the industrial park, Jarry in Baie-Mahault on October 7-8, 2023.

Practitioners distributed flyers and raised awareness about the ongoing persecution. Many were interested in Falun Dafa, and some said they were interested in learning the practice while others expressed their support for practitioners’ efforts in ending the persecution.