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Hubei Man Secretly Sentenced to Four Years, Ailing Father Dies in Despair

Dec. 21, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 51-year-old man in Qianjiang City, Hubei Province, was detained incommunicado after his arrest in October 2022. His family didn’t find out until August 2023 that he had been secretly sentenced to four years with a 15,000-yuan fine. His appeal was rejected and he was taken to Fanjiatai Prison in Shayang County, Hubei Province. His family still hasn’t received a copy of his verdict.

Mr. Zhu Mocheng was arrested at a farmers’ market after being reported for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong. Li Hua from the Xiangyang Police Station led the arrest.

Li and other officers raided Mr. Zhu’s home and confiscated his Falun Gong books, music player, ID, bank debit card, cellphone, and motorcycle. The authorities never notified his family about his situation after that.

Mr. Zhu’s arrest and detention was hard on his ailing father. His father later told a friend that, when Mr. Zhu was little, the family faced tremendous financial difficulties while trying to stay safe during the Chinese Communist Party’s various political campaigns. He and his wife never truly cared for their children and often beat and verbally abused them.

When his father grew old and fell ill, only Mr. Zhu was willing to care for him. He never complained about cleaning his soiled clothes or bed linens. Only then did his father realize how practicing Falun Gong had changed his son into such a kind and respectful person. Worried about and missing his son terribly, the elderly man’s health quickly deteriorated. He passed away shortly after, without seeing Mr. Zhu for one last time.

In August 2023, Mr. Zhu’s family finally learned that he’d been arrested by Xiangyang Police Station officers. When they went to the station to ask about his case, they were told that Mr. Zhu had already been sentenced to four years and that he had been transferred from the Qianjiang City Detention Center to Fanjiatai Prison. The family demanded to see his verdict, but the police said they didn’t have it.

The family travelled to the prison and confirmed Mr. Zhu’s prison sentence. Mr. Zhu also told them that he appealed with the Xiantao City Intermediate Court, but it had ruled to uphold his original verdict. The court also collected the fine from his bank account.