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Las Palmas, Spain: Introducing Falun Gong at Las Palmas Every Week

Dec. 25, 2023 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Spain

(Minghui.org) Las Palmas is a Spanish city and the capital of Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Situated on the beautiful Atlantic coast, the city is known for its pleasant climate, stunning beaches, and rich cultural heritage.

Falun Gong practitioners in Las Palmas have collected petition signatures at Plaza Jardines del Atlántico every weekend since the beginning of 2023. They are raising people's awareness of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Gong that has been going on for 24 years. More and more local people have learned the facts about Falun Gong. They signed a petition condemning the CCP’s inhumane and cruel practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Residents of Las Palmas sign a petition condemning the CCP’s inhumane and cruel practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

The first day that Christmas lights are turned on year after year is November 17. Many citizens and tourists from all over the world gather in the square to watch the Christmas lights come to life.

Falun Gong practitioners held activities at Atlantic Garden Plaza, demonstrating the exercises for festival-goers. The peace and tranquility displayed by the practitioners drew the curious eyes of many passers-by. Some people asked how to learn the exercises, the address of the practice site, and said they would attend the free exercise teaching session held in the park every Sunday. In a traditional Christmas holiday atmosphere, many people had the opportunity to learn about the beauty of Falun Dafa and how Falun Gong practitioners, who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, are being brutally persecuted in China.

In a traditional Christmas holiday atmosphere, many people had the opportunity to learn about the preciousness of Falun Dafa and how Falun Gong practitioners are being brutally persecuted in China.

Mila said after signing the petition that the CCP’s cruelty was simply unimaginable and completely deviated from morality. She hoped that more people would understand the evil of the CCP and express their support for Falun Gong practitioners.

A passing-by doctor from the Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF) organization asked the practitioners in detail about what Falun Gong is and why the CCP is persecuting Falun Gong. He immediately signed the petition after learning the facts. He said that he was extremely shocked and angry at the CCP’s inhumane and brutal act of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. As a member of Doctors Without Borders, he firmly opposes the CCP’s crimes. He thanked the practitioners for the information and expressed his sincere admiration for Falun Gong practitioners.