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Guangdong Man’s Release Delayed When Authorities Claimed His Appeal was Still Pending

Dec. 8, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Guangdong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Huang Zhufeng completed a two-year-and-ten-month prison sentence on October 11, 2023, but was not released until after five hours of standoff with the local trial court that convicted him. The court attempted to make him sign a “released on bail” form on the grounds that his appeal case was still pending. Mr. Huang firmly refused to comply, as by law he no longer faced any prosecution once he served time.

The trial court instructed the local police to harass Mr. Huang again one week later, but he still refused to sign the form. The local appeals court ruled on October 27, 2023 to uphold his conviction.

Sentenced for Practicing Falun Gong

Mr. Huang, a 59-year-old resident of Maoming City, Guangdong Province, was arrested on December 12, 2020 for his faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

The Maonan District Court sentenced him to two years and ten months in prison with a 10,000-yuan fine on August 16, 2023. He was ordered to serve time at the Maoming City First Detention Center.

Twice Ordered to Sign “Released on Bail” Form

Mr. Huang’s wife went to the detention center to pick him up at around 9 a.m. on October 11, 2023, as he was scheduled to be released that day. She saw clerk Liu Dan of the Maonan District Court there too. Liu ordered her and her husband to sign a “released on bail” form. The couple firmly refused to comply as Mr. Huang had already finished serving the wrongful prison sentence for his faith. Liu insisted that his appeal case was still pending so he must sign the form.

Mr. Huang said no again because by law his release should be unconditional after he served the entire two year and ten month term. Liu would not budge but eventually relented after five hours of standoff. She agreed to have the detention center release Mr. Huang at around 2 p.m. that afternoon.

About one week after Mr. Huang’s release, his wife received a call from the Zhanqian Road Police Station, again asking her to get her husband to the police station to sign the “released on bail” form.

Mr. Huang consulted his appeal lawyer and learned that it was totally illegal for the trial court and police station to order him to sign a “released on bail” form. The lawyer further assured him that even if the Maoming City Intermediate Court held an appeal hearing and he did not show up, he should not face any prosecution.

Mr. Huang thus did not report to the police station. After he upheld the firm attitude, the police stopped harassing him.

Appeal Rejected

The Maoming City Intermediate Court notified Mr. Huang’s lawyer in late October 2023 to review his case file and submit the defense statement in writing. The lawyer said he would only submit the defense statement if the judge held an open hearing of the appeal case. The intermediate court did not hold a hearing.

Mr. Huang’s wife received the intermediate court’s ruling in the mail in mid-November (he was out of town visiting his mother). The ruling, dated October 27, 2023, stated to uphold Mr. Huang’s wrongful conviction. It was apparent that the court issued its ruling either around or before the time when it notified the lawyer to review the case file.

The ruling bore the signatures of presiding judge Zhang Chi, judges Li Jinjie and Wu Bijie, assistant to judges, Li Xiaoqun, as well as clerk Chen Hua.

Latest Prison Sentence Preceded by Two Forced Labor Terms and Father’s Passing

Prior to Mr. Huang’s latest sentencing, the former award-winning electronic automation engineer served two labor camp terms, including a one-year term given in February 2000 and another two-year term given on September 4, 2001. While he was held in the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, a guard ordered two prisoners to pull his arms apart as hard as they could on January 2, 2003. Both of his shoulders were dislocated and his arms were disabled. He was unable to continue working in his profession after being released, and had to do odd jobs to make a living.

Mr. Huang’s latest arrest in mid-December 2020 dealt yet another heavy blow to his father. The elderly man’s health declined quickly and he was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer in September 2021. Mr. Huang’s trial lawyer and family repeatedly applied to the Maonan District Court to have Mr. Huang released to see his father for the last time, but presiding judge Ke Xuejun refused to approve the request. Mr. Huang’s father passed away in late October 2022.

Mr. Huang was moved from Division 12 to Division 4 of the Maoming City First Detention Center around July 2023, after becoming injured and incontinent following a savage beating by other inmates in Division 12. He was sentenced to two years and ten months on August 23, 2023 and ordered to finish his term at the same detention center. His health kept declining. By the time he was released on October 11, 2023, he had aged a lot, and much of his hair had turned gray. He was also very weak.

While Mr. Huang recovered somewhat after returning home, the shoulder injuries he sustained while serving his second forced labor term in 2003 persisted. He even struggled to find odd jobs. He is now relying on relatives’ support to get by.

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