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A Senior Practitioner With a Delivery Bike

Feb. 4, 2023 |   Dictated by a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am in my seventies and have been practicing Falun Dafa since 1998. I am illiterate, but I wanted to submit an experience sharing article to the Fa Conference, as I have a lot to say to Master. So I asked a fellow practitioner to help me.

Distributing Truth-clarification Materials Widely

I had several ailments prior to practicing Falun Dafa. I heard that Dafa could remove illnesses so I started practicing to improve my health. Indeed, all my ailments disappeared after practicing for only a short period of time, and my body became light. Falun Dafa is truly magical!

However, just one year after I started practicing, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Dafa. I teamed up with a few practitioners in my village to distribute truth-clarification materials so that people could learn the truth about Dafa and not be deceived by the CCP’s lies and propaganda.

We didn’t worry about our safety. All we wanted was for people to understand that the brutal persecution was based on false accusations. We distributed a large number of materials within a short period of time, and many villagers learned that Falun Dafa was an upstanding practice.

We continued to distribute various materials such as the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, truth-clarification CDs, Shen Yun DVDs, self-adhesive posters, Dafa amulets, etc.

Running Errands

I love to help fellow practitioners, and didn’t mind running errands for the coordinator. I often helped practitioners in different villages get in contact with one another, and provided logistical support.

There was a shortage of truth-clarification materials when the persecution began, so I connected with practitioners from other regions to obtain materials for our area. My bicycle was my transportation. It was rough in bad weather, and challenging when climbing steep slopes.

When I visited practitioners in other villages, for safety reasons I couldn’t contact them on the cell phone, so I had to take my chances and just go there. I could sometimes find them, but other times they weren’t at home and I had made a trip for nothing.

However, for the sake of Dafa, fellow practitioners, and sentient beings, I am not afraid of hardship, because practitioners “Let joy be found in hardship.” (“Tempering the Will,” Hong Yin)

Physical suffering is nothing, as long as my heart is filled with joy.

From fetching truth-clarification leaflets at the beginning, to pamphlets, CDs, amulets, desk calendars, and couplets, I have managed to reach practitioners far away and secured enough materials to distribute in our village and the neighboring villages.

I had many xinxing tests in the process. For example, some practitioners did not like the materials I brought back, and complained about them, while others were not happy with the quality. I wasn’t discouraged with the complaints and continued to do things that were beneficial to Dafa and fellow practitioners. Recently, no practitioners in my area had the new Dafa books, so I contacted practitioners in other areas and was able to get them.

I sent Dafa materials, by courier and post, to a relative who lived thousands of miles away. No practitioners lived in her area, and she was anxious to get them. If it wasn’t for Master’s help, those materials would not have gotten through the security check.

Clarifying the Truth and Saving People

Clarifying the truth is one of the three things Master requires practitioners to do. In the process, I have helped many people quit the CCP and its youth organizations, so they can have a bright future.

I often talk to people at farmers’ markets, on the streets, or visit them at their homes. I clarify the truth whenever I have the opportunity, and want more people to know the truth and quit the Party.

I ran into a person who had learned the truth from me before. She told me excitedly that her relative had fully recovered after reciting “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I was truly happy for her.

I also often ran into people who wouldn’t listen and said bad things, but I didn’t take it personally, and continued to clarify the truth, because Master told us to save more people. I cannot hold resentment toward people and stop saving them just because of their bad attitudes.

I have many attachments that have not been removed, and I am still far from meeting Master’s requirements and Dafa’s standards, but I am not discouraged. I will continue to put in the effort and advance diligently in cultivation, assist Master in Fa-rectification, and save more people. Thank you Master!