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Opposing Financial Persecution from a Righteous Standpoint

Feb. 6, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was recently harassed by personnel from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over the phone because I practice Falun Dafa. I successfully denied the persecution with righteous thoughts and clarified the truth to them as well.

I received a phone call from a police officer one morning at the end of September 2022. He asked me if he could take a picture of me. I told him that the police cannot randomly take pictures of a citizen and questioned his motive. He did not want to discuss it over the phone and asked to meet at 1:30 p.m. I told him I was busy in the afternoon and asked him to come in the morning instead. He agreed but did not show up at the appointed time. This made me realize that I have omissions in my cultivation, and this incident may have been targeting my attachments.

This was the first time I received a harassing call from the police. I was relatively calm and understood that I should not acknowledge the persecution or the old forces testing me. Master Li Hongzhi (the founder of Falun Dafa) arranged my cultivation path, and no one can touch me. I also wanted to maintain righteous thoughts to save this policeman. So I sent forth righteous thoughts for a long time to disintegrate the evil communist specter manipulating the officer, so his true self could wake up and stop persecuting practitioners.

The policeman finally came to my building at 1:30 p.m. and called me to go down to meet him. He knew I was retired, as well my name and age. He said I was a kind person, and that he just wanted to finish his job of taking a picture of me. He did not care whether I practiced Falun Dafa and promised there was nothing else for me to worry about. This officer did not seem like a bad guy, but he wore a communist party badge. So I started to clarify the truth to him.

I said, “You’re a communist party member. The first word of the Communist Manifesto is ‘a specter, a specter of communism.’ You swore to the specter to commit your life to it, so you are part of it. There are now so many natural and man-made disasters, and the coronavirus plague is still spreading. If you can sincerely withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations in your heart, and if you can ask the gods and Buddhas to protect you, you will be able to survive the catastrophe safely.” He did not say anything and listened intently.

I continued, “You don’t need to be afraid. You don’t need to report to the CCP. You just need to withdraw from your heart. Only Heaven, you, and I know it. It is guaranteed to be safe. Why do I persuade you to withdraw from the CCP? It is because the CCP is going to fall. Since I told you this, then you can get out quickly to be saved. Shouldn’t I tell you this?” 

He replied, “Yes, you should tell me. I agree to withdraw from the CCP.” I was happy to help him withdraw from the CCP with an alias and also told him the truth about Falun Dafa. He said he would remember the verse, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I also emphasized that he should do more good deeds and no longer persecute Dafa practitioners. 

However, there was one thing I did not do well. Because I felt that he was an honest person, I let him take a picture of me. I later realized I should not have cooperated with that request; it was wrong.

Dissolving Harassment from My Workplace

Someone from my former workplace called me on November 11, 2022, to ask for my home address. I asked her why they needed my address, and she told me she did not know. The next day the director of the workplace called: “Let me be honest with you, the local government, police department, and community office had a meeting and mentioned that you practice Falun Dafa and were involved in some activity in 2016. The provincial and city officials know this and are giving it a lot of attention. I was then asked to call you. Please tell me what happened; I guarantee it is safe to tell me.” I told her I didn’t attend any activity.

An official from my workplace called again on November 14: “The upper level management paid a lot of attention to your case and pursued it closely. They learned from the community that you are a very good person. We heard you did something in a big warehouse in 2016. This is not a trivial matter. I’m not trying to scare you, but it may affect your pension. Some involved practitioners were arrested and sentenced. Exactly what did you do in 2016?” I told her again that I did not know anything about a big warehouse or any gathering.

I disclosed that I wrote a petition letter to the Supreme Procuratorate to appeal for Falun Dafa, which is the legal right of every citizen, and there was nothing wrong with doing so. She said, “Yes. Please rest assured that I will do my best to protect you.” I told her, “Some things are inconvenient to speak about over the phone. We can talk in person.” She agreed. Meanwhile, I told myself in my heart that my pension was given by Master and I have His protection, not hers or anyone else’s.

I discussed what happened with fellow practitioners. We concluded that we needed to believe in Master and the Fa and improve our xinxing based on the Fa. It was imperative to look within and maintain a righteous and selfless standpoint. We should not let sentient beings commit crimes against Dafa. We needed to coordinate as a whole to send forth strong righteous thoughts to eliminate interference from the dark minions, rotten demons, and evil communist specter, as well as dissolve the financial persecution against Dafa practitioners. We needed to wake up the knowing (rational) side of the people involved in the persecution at my workplace and upper level authorities, and have them acknowledge the goodness of Dafa and treat practitioners kindly in order to have a bright future.

After we studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts for an extended time, things turned around for the better. My workplace called me on the morning of November 15: “We decided to continue to fully pay your pension and do not want you to promise anything. But you need to write a guarantee letter that you won’t write a petition letter, attend any gatherings, or pass out truth-clarification materials.” I made it clear to them that I wouldn’t write a guarantee letter and repeated that there was nothing wrong with being a good person.

The phone harassment that occurred over those few days appeared to be mild, but it was a battle between good and evil in other dimensions. I truly experienced that Master was by my side and protected and strengthened me. As long as I firmly hold onto the magic tool of looking within, I can overcome any tests and obstacles. Fellow practitioners also compassionately pointed out my omissions based on the Fa, such as attachments to saving face, lust, personal interest, not accepting criticism, and sentimentality towards family. I knew I must cultivate diligently to improve my xinxing.

Although I have many attachments to eliminate, I completely denied the old forces’ arrangements and did not allow them to persecute me. Since I maintained a righteous standpoint to eliminate the financial persecution against me, my pension showed up in my account as soon as I finished that last call from my workplace. I learned that it is essential to truly have compassion and kindness for every sentient being, wishing for them to be saved by waking up their conscience to assimilate to the goodness of Dafa, and preventing them from committing crimes against practitioners. When all practitioners have righteous thoughts and compassion for sentient beings, the financial persecution against any Dafa disciple will disintegrated. I am very grateful for their gracious help.

Above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.