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Cases Against Two Sisters for Their Faith Dropped by Local Procuratorate

March 15, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Two sisters in Huangshi City, Hubei Province were targeted for upholding their faith in Falun Gong. They firmly resisted the illegal persecution, and the local procuratorate decided on February 27, 2023, to not indict them and to also lift their bail condition.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

The police broke into Ms. Cao Chunmei’s and Ms. Cao Meiying’s respective homes on August 20, 2021. After ransacking their places, the police took the sisters to a brainwashing session located in a local hotel. As they remained firm in Falun Gong and refused to sign statements to renounce it, the police took them to the Huangshi City No.1 Detention Center on August 26 and held them there until October 1, 2021.

The police arrested the sisters again on April 1, 2022, and interrogated them. As they refused to sign their case documents, the police took them to the Huangshigang District Procuratorate in the afternoon. An assistant prosecutor surnamed Huang told the sisters that they had received their cases from the police and were in the process of indicting them.

Upon returning home, the sisters filed complaints against officers Gao Weibing and Li Chengsheng of the Huahu Police Station. They mailed the complaints to the Huangshigang District Procuratorate, Huangshigang District Police Department, and Huangshi City Supervision Bureau. Meanwhile, they also wrote to prosecutor Fu Juan of the indictment department and demanded the dismissal of their cases.

The procuratorate called Ms. Cao Chunmei’s daughter and husband on September 27, 2022, and pressured them to sign her case document on her behalf. The sisters wrote to the procuratorate again two days later and the mail tracking system indicated that prosecutors Fu and Hu Shi received their letters on September 30.

Also on September 30, prosecutor Hu called the two sisters and asked to meet with them in person. The sisters went there. They saw Ms. Cao Chunmei’s daughter and husband’s signatures on her bail condition notice. The prosecutor also ordered Ms. Cao Meiying to sign her bail condition document, but she refused to comply.

With the two sisters’ persistent efforts to counteract the persecution, the procuratorate decided to dismiss their cases in February 2023.

Related report:

Huangshi City, Hubei Province: Seven Arrested and One Harassed for Practicing Falun Gong