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Unharmed During a Toxic Chemical Explosion

March 3, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1995 and I am 60 years old. 
Over the past 28 years of my spiritual journey, my family and I have witnessed many amazing wonders of Dafa and Master’s saving grace. No human words can express my gratitude to Dafa and Master.

Unharmed During a Toxic Chemical Explosion

I was demoted from position as a doctor to supply room worker by hospital leadership in 2000 because of my practice of Falun Dafa.

The supply room used ethylene oxide (an inflammable and colorless gas) to disinfect medical gloves. It was reported that the sterilizer was leaking gas and that the personnel involved had chronic poisoning and even their menstrual periods were disrupted. Yet the upper management didn’t take action to stop the leak and only arranged them to take turns working.

My first assignment in the supply room was to disinfect medical gloves. The trainer showed me how to slowly add ethylene oxide gas to the sterilizer. After it was done, she went out and asked me to watch the sterilizer. I was at the table in front of the disinfection sterilizer about half a meter away. 

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and it felt like the air in the room instantly expanded. I looked up and saw that the 1.5 meter square sterilizer exploded, and the back of the sterilizer was burning. 

Due to the explosion, the large heavy-duty ventilating fans installed on the windows were blown out. The door was smashed. The window, door glass and lamps glass scattered all over the place. I tried all my effort to move the crumbling door out of the way and walked out.

It was really a miracle that I was unharmed. People in the hospital said I was really lucky and my skin was not even scratched. They commented that I was really an extraordinary person, protected by the divine. I knew Master was by my side all the time. 

My Sister’s Speedy Recovery From Severe Injury

My sister is five years younger than me. She does not cultivate but she acknowledges and respects Dafa. She would stand up for me and do everything she could to protect me and condemn the wicked people for their illegal actions of persecuting me.

After I was arrested and sent to prison for upholding my faith, my sister took a long train ride to see me, demanded my release, and warned the prison guards not to torture me. Her action eased the persecution against me.

One night in the summer, my sister finished her shift at midnight. With no one else on the road, she was riding her motorcycle fast. Suddenly, a person jumped out from the roadside and threw rocks at her. Because of the high speed of her motorcycle, she was thrown into the air and landed on the ground a few meters away. She lost consciousness and fell into a coma. She was found by her co-workers who caught up with her after their shifts and sent her to the hospital.

I rushed to see my sister the next day. She had just woken up, and her head was severely swollen. Her eyes were swollen shut. Her lips turned outward they were so swollen. Her entire face was covered in bruises. Even her arms and legs were terrifying. Fortunately for her, the doctor didn’t find any fractures or other serious injuries after thorough examinations.

Her recovery was exceptionally fast. She improved day by day and she had no scars left on her face! After the restoration of her teeth, she was even more beautiful. 

Former Police Captain’s Amazing Encounters

Once I came across a retired police captain. He learned the truth about Dafa and already quit the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and its youth organizations. He very much agreed with Dafa and treated Dafa disciples kindly. He believed that he is blessed and protected by Dafa. 

He said that when the CCP began to persecute Falun Dafa in July 1999, many practitioners were detained in the detention center in his jurisdiction, and some police officers tortured and abused them arbitrarily. He told his subordinates not to torture good people like that and be kind to them.

He once took care of one senior Falun Dafa practitioner who kept vomiting and could not hold food down. He went out and purchased warm porridge for her to ease her stomach, and she got better. 

When his ceramic sink at home was broken. he went to the wholesale market on the outskirts of the city and got another one. He put it on the motorcycle, tied it up with a rope, and bounced all the way home. After he got home, he was stunned – the rope was gone, but the ceramic sink was fine after the bumpy trip.

Another time, a friend took him out for lunch. When they walked out, he noticed his shoelace was loose. He squat down to fix it, and his friend was next to him waiting. Suddenly a dump truck full of sand drove by fast and lost control. The full load of sand was thrown on the steps directly in front of the two of them! If they didn’t stop to tie the shoelaces, both of them would have been buried under the sand and the consequences would have been unimaginable.