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People Around Me All Say Falun Dafa Is Good

March 6, 2023 |   By Xin Jiang, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I used to suffer from many illnesses, such as lower back injury and muscle strain, and ear sinusitis. I was treated by various doctors but nothing helped. I gave up on all of the treatments eventually and relied on medication. My wife was worried about my health. 

I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1998 to cure my ailments. After I practiced it for about 20 days, I had a high fever and a cough. My whole body was trembling. Practitioners told me that Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, was purifying my body and asked me not to regard it as illness. I didn’t really believe it. Hearing this, my wife started to read Zhuan Falun to me. I fell asleep after listening for a while. 

When I woke up, I felt light and was back to normal. I saw that my wife was still reading Zhuan Falun attentively. 

She witnessed the amazing healing benefits of Falun Dafa, and she started to practice as well. 

Suffocating the Evil with Righteous Thoughts 

Many Dafa practitioners lodged complaints to the high court against Jiang Zemin (former head of the Chinese Communist Party who initiated the persecution) in 2015 for persecuting Falun Dafa and committing genocide. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime retaliated by arresting and sentencing practitioners on a large scale. Practitioners’ homes were searched. I was arrested too. Several policemen broke into my home without showing any identification. They kicked open every door and searched every room. My younger daughter and my granddaughter, who was three years old, and grandson, who was one month old, lived with us. They were so scared by the vicious policeman that they cried. 

My family members tried to reason with them, but they still arrested me. They tried to pressure me to collect so-called “evidence.” I refused to cooperate with them and sent forth righteous thoughts so that whoever pressured me would have a stomachache and not ask me again. When I was focusing on sending righteous thoughts, one policeman put his hand on his stomach and said, “How come I have stomachache?” Falun Dafa is amazing. I would not have believed it if I hadn’t witnessed it with my own eyes. 

One day while I was in detention, this policeman and another one were going to question me again for “evidence.” I now believed in the extraordinary power of Falun Dafa without any doubt. I looked at him and thought to myself that he would continue arresting other practitioners if he didn’t listen to my truth clarification and that I shouldn’t let him continue committing crimes against Dafa. I sent such thoughts: “Eliminate the evil elements behind him and dissolve the bad substances in his dimensional field and he will forget to ask me any questions.” I was looking at him and sending forth righteous thoughts. He sat there and didn’t say anything for a long time. He turned to me and said: “Why are you looking at me like that?” I didn’t reply and continued sending forth righteous thoughts. 

We sat there face to face for a while. He then left, taking his bag with him. He never came back. I was released unconditionally. 

“Falun Dafa Is Indeed Wonderful”

I went to the grain store to sell the grain that I had grown. Many people were there. When it was my turn, the cashier gave me more than 5,000 yuan. I told him that it was incorrect. He told me impatiently that he would not get it wrong and asked me to stand nearby and count the money. I said to him, “You should have given me 570, not 5,700; it's 10 times higher.” I returned the money to him. He was stunned and thanked me after he came to his senses. He said, “I met a good person. Otherwise, I would have to pay for that out of my own pocket.”

One person said to me, “If it were someone else, he might have walked off quickly. It is so chaotic here. The cashier wouldn’t have been able to find the person.” I said to him, “I practice Falun Dafa and comply with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Our teacher told us to think of others first and to not to take what isn’t ours.” 

People in the room, including the other cashiers, all looked at me. Several people were so moved that they shouted: “Falun Dafa is indeed good! Falun Dafa is indeed wonderful!” A lot of people were moved. I then clarified the truth and helped them withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. 

I had a small business selling clothes. If I found that the wholesalers had given me more garments but charged me less, I would give the money back to them the next time. Many wholesalers praised me, and said that I was a good person. I then told them that I practice Falun Dafa and do things according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. 

I once asked someone to help me sow some wheat. It was dark when I gave him the money. He gave me back some change with 50 yuan more. I returned the extra 50 yuan to him. He then said to everyone that he met that Falun Dafa practitioners were indeed very good. 

People All Know That Falun Dafa Is Good

We often hear people say that Falun Dafa is good when we clarify the truth to them. Many people shake hands with us happily when they see us. Some people have told us that they have finally found us and want to learn Falun Dafa. Some have reminded us to be careful for our safety. 

One day we went to a nearby village to clarify the truth to people. We came across a team of bricklayers. After they heard the truth and the importance of withdrawing from the CCP, one of them said, “Falun Dafa is good. I used to be in the military and I am a CCP member. Please help me quit the CCP.” Other team members followed suit. Seven of them withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Things went smoothly that day. We knew that Master had strengthened us. 

On another occasion, we came across a group of elderly people. We gave pamphlets to them. A younger person tore up the pamphlet in front of us. I picked it up and said to him, “Please give it back to me if you don’t want to read it. Why did you tear it up?” Many people looked at him. He didn’t say anything. We clarified the truth to him and asked him not to be misled by the CCP’s lies. One of the elderly men said to him, “Falun Dafa is good.”

Several days later we went to that village again and came across the man again. He asked for a pamphlet and asked us to clarify the truth to another group of people. We were happy for his change of heart. 

Clarifying the Truth to Those Conducting the “Zero-Out” Campaign

The CCP launched a nationwide “zero-out” campaign in 2021. Its purpose was to force practitioners to give up cultivation in Falun Dafa. The CCP officers tried every means to harass us. They came to my home many times, four or five times a day sometimes, and disturbed my family members as well as our neighbors. 

One day, the village director called me and asked me to come to see the Village Committee. I decided to clarify the truth to them. A group of people surrounded me after I arrived there. Before they started to talk, I clarified the truth to them. I talked about Falun Dafa, about the CCP-induced big famine, the Cultural Revolution and the June 4th Massacre on Tiananmen Square. 

One of them said that the CCP didn’t allow people to practice Falun Dafa. I said that the Chinese Constitution stipulated that citizens had freedom of belief and that anything that went against the Constitution was bad law. They didn’t say anything and let me go. 

I let go of a great deal of my fear after this incident. I realized that as long as I comply with Dafa’s principles, I can avoid bad outcomes and overcome difficulties. 

I have come across many amazing things during cultivation. Thank you, Master for spreading the universal Dafa and letting me know the true meaning of life.