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Husband and Wife in Their 70s Sentenced to Prison for Practicing Falun Gong

April 4, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A married couple in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, both 75, were recently sentenced to prison for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Mr. Wang Baoliang and Ms. Liu Guiping were arrested on October 23, 2022, while studying Falun Gong teachings with four other practitioners. Many local practitioners were harassed around that time when the Chinese Communist Party had its 20th Congress.

The couple was held in Fuxin City Detention Center. The Fumeng County Court held a video hearing of their case on March 21, 2023. Ms. Liu was sentenced to one year and Mr. Wang to eight months.

Since the onset of the persecution in 1999, Ms. Liu has been arrested at least six times and served a labor camp term.

She was first arrested on November 25, 1999. The 500 yuan she had was confiscated. The police hung her up by the wrists, shocked her with electric batons, chained her handcuffs and shackles together, and force-fed her saline water.

Torture reenactment: Hung up by the wrists

Ms. Liu was arrested again in 2000 when she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. She had 5,000 yuan extorted from her.

For distributing informational materials about Falun Gong, she was arrested in April 2002. She held a hunger strike in the local detention center to protest the persecution. The guards slapped her in the face and stomped on her abdomen and legs while wearing high heels. When Ms. Liu defied the guards’ order to kneel, they dragged her out of the cell, hung her up by her wrists, and shocked her neck with an electric baton.

Just three months later, Ms. Liu was arrested yet again. As a result of the torture in custody, she weighed only 35 kg (77 lbs) when she was released.

She was given three years in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp following her next arrest on August 1, 2005. The guards tortured her by stretching her arms and legs in four different directions. They also used a tool known as a mouth opener, which messed up her face, to force-feed her toxic drugs.

Four officers broke into Ms. Liu’s home in May 2008 and arrested her husband Mr. Wang. They confiscated their 700 yuan in cash and later fined them 3,500 yuan.

Ms. Liu was arrested again on December 18, 2010, after being reported for distributing calendars with information about Falun Gong. Ten officers ransacked her home and took an mp3 and an mp5. The police attempted to detain her at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp but had to release her due to her poor health.