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My Experience Memorizing “How Humankind Came To Be”

April 6, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner outside of China

(Minghui.org) I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner working in the media. I would like to share my feelings after Master published “How Humankind Came To Be.”

Because I was limited by my cultivation level, I initially thought that Master’s direct teaching of non-practitioners signaled a new phase of the Fa rectification in the world.

During our group study sessions, I proposed several times that we share our understanding of Master’s new scripture, but found that we didn’t have too much to talk about. I looked inward and found that my understanding was superficial and lacking a true grasp of the connotations.

I thought, “How can I catch up with the pace of the Fa rectification if I don’t understand it?” I decided to memorize the new scripture. I started with sentences, moved on to paragraphs, and then the whole scripture. Many human notions attempted to block my understanding during the process. As I worked on memorization, I found that Master’s teachings were not only for humans to hear, but also for divine beings at high levels, and for the well-cultivated side of Falun Dafa practitioners.

As I made progress, I realized that the bar for Dafa practitioners must have been raised, since we have cultivated ourselves for so long and now even non-practitioners have the honor of hearing Master’s teachings. We can’t linger at a superficial understanding of the Fa, but ought to reflect upon how well we have assimilated to the Fa. We can’t be content with passing our tests and tribulations. Instead, we should ask ourselves if we have helped others, played a positive role in collective work, found our fundamental attachments, and gotten rid of selfishness during conflicts.

I found that there were huge changes in people’s minds following the publication of Master’s new scripture. A large number of people quit the Chinese Communist Party organizations with their real names. Some of our readers sent us messages saying, “You have been working hard! The whole world is counting on you.” “You are the ones who bring hope to humankind.” “I owe Falun Gong an apology.”

With so many things happening in the human world every day, and the Fa rectification progressing so quickly, I enlightened that there is very little time remaining for us to fulfill our historic missions. Let’s encourage and support each other on this final leg of our journey.

I haven’t been able to completely memorize the scripture due to my busy media work, but I persist every day whenever I find time. I have gained so much understanding of the scripture through memorization.

The above is my limited understanding. I hope to see more sharing on this topic.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)