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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Indonesia Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Birthday

May 14, 2023

(Minghui.org) May 13, 2023 is World Falun Dafa Day and the 31st anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction, as well as the birthday of Master Li, the founder of the practice.

Falun Dafa Practitioners from Indonesia Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day!

Young Dafa Practitioners in Indonesia Wish Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day!

Master, you have worked hard, and we disciples are grateful for Master’s compassionate care all the way, helping me, my fellow practitioners, and my family members to pass one test after another. Disciples should try their best to study the Fa and do the exercises to improve their xinxing, cherish the present time, and try their best to do well. We should keep our mind steady, don’t be driven by external situations, and let go of our fundamental attachments. Disciples are grateful to Master for everything Master has done for disciples and family members. We will try our best to do well and take the path of righteous cultivation. Thank you Master!