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Hospital Department Head: Letting Go of Personal Gain

May 5, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Tianjin, China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1994 after my mother suggested I try it. I was in my early twenties and did not realize how precious this opportunity was. I cultivated halfheartedly, thinking I had ample time since I was still young.

After giving birth to my first child, I suffered three episodes of high fever. Most people would have hurried to see a doctor. But I knew Master Li (Falun Dafa’s founder) was adjusting my body and eliminating my karma. So I worked on elevating my character, reading the teachings, and practicing the exercises. My fever disappeared the following day.

A severe rash then appeared all over my body. I even had large, itchy bumps on my palms and soles, and scratching them only worsened the itch. My face and eyelids became swollen, and my eyes turned red. Everyone who saw me advised me to seek treatment immediately. I let go of my vanity and fear of death, put my faith in Master, read the Fa, and practiced the exercises. Within a week, my rash completely disappeared.

I later experienced severe wheezing and breathlessness. Being unable to fall asleep one night, I thought, “I know a person who died of asthma. If I suffocate to death, won’t I be tarnishing Dafa’s reputation?” I woke up my husband, who is also a practitioner. He reassured me, “Everything will be fine, go back to sleep.” I let go of my worries and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was fine.

Practitioners understand that these “diseases” are manifestations of karma. By reading the teachings and cultivating one’s mind, karma will be eliminated.

Being a Good Doctor

I treated an elderly man from a rural farming village. He had a severe cough and shortness of breath for many years. Having sought medical treatment for his condition throughout the region, he was physically and mentally exhausted. I carefully took his medical history, conducted a physical examination, and selected the most appropriate diagnostic tests to confirm his diagnosis. I then chose the most effective yet inexpensive drugs. I advised him that his disease could be cured and taught him how to use an inhaler.

Besides counseling him on the necessity for long-term treatment to control his chronic illness, I told him he could purchase the same medication at a pharmacy. If the medication worked well, he could return to my clinic a few months later, and I could adjust his treatment as needed. My compassionate care touched him.

After cleaning out her cooker, a woman’s throat swelled, and she had trouble breathing. Emergency treatment did not help, and she was admitted to the hospital. We struck up a friendly conversation while I examined her, and she offered me a protective pendant she got from a temple. I told her, “With Master’s protection, I have no need for pendants.” I then told her the truth behind the persecution of Falun Dafa and advised her to say, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” After silently reciting the phrases, she exclaimed, “It really works, I can breathe freely! Jiang Zemin is evil. (Jiang Zemin is the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) head who launched the persecution). How can he ban such a good practice!” Just minutes before, she had difficulty speaking. But she was now able to speak in complete sentences. We became good friends. This woman and her daughter soon quit the CCP organizations they belonged to.

One patient had been coughing up yellow phlegm and had a persistent fever for months. A few days of intravenous antibiotics eliminated his symptoms, but his fever recurred. Another hospital suggested a lung cancer diagnosis based on CT scan results. He came to me for a second opinion, and after careful examination, I felt his condition was not suggestive of lung cancer. I arranged for a bronchoscopy and during the examination, we found and extracted a large peanut shell from his trachea. The patient made a complete recovery afterward. Having undergone recent surgery for severe head trauma, the man could not remember when he ate the peanut shell.

To earn more money, some specialists bill patients for their first consultations. They then make them undergo laboratory tests, withhold the results, and only disclose the diagnosis during subsequent consultations, which require more fees. Some doctors claim their actions are justified and reflective of the expert knowledge they gained over the years.

However, this does not take into consideration the anxiety patients experience in the interim, while waiting for news about their condition. I prescribe only essential laboratory tests and diagnostic examinations according to the patient’s situation. I review the test results on the same day to issue a diagnosis and treatment plan. If the test results are delayed, my patients can find me for a follow-up consultation without having to re-register. This not only saves on registration fees but also reduces the patient’s psychological burden.

Twists and Turns in My Promotion Journey

During my appraisal for the title of medical consultant in 2004, I had just returned from further studies with several published papers under my belt. I felt passing this appraisal would be a breeze! There was another colleague working in the same department with similar qualifications, but she was careless in her work. The team leader routinely criticized her. She was busy raising her children and unable to publish a decent paper. Our Human Resources Department just barely recommended her for the appraisal of the senior title.

Unexpectedly, during her oral exam, the assessor only asked her simple questions. When she failed to answer some, the assessor kindly reassured her, “It's fine, you just needed to answer one question correctly.” My colleague passed the test smoothly. In contrast, my oral exam comprised questions based on an esoteric topic. I answered one question correctly, but the assessor refused to acknowledge my answer. So I failed to pass that round of exams.

When I heard I failed, I felt aggrieved and complained to the relevant authorities like an ordinary person. My feelings were triggered by jealousy. My colleague bribed her assessor before the test, and I thought she had obtained her title by robbing me. In reality, I was overconfident and failed to adequately prepare for the exam.

The following year, I submitted my application again for the same title. My colleagues advised me, “It has become the norm to visit your assessor, introduce yourself, and bribe them. Even if you don’t do it, others will. Those who don’t will fail the exams.”

I resolved to let go of my attachment to personal gain and place my trust in Master’s arrangements. The questions this time around remained highly esoteric, and many candidates were unable to answer them. I was very nervous, so I failed to answer the questions completely. After the exam, I thought, “It’s over. I’ve failed again.” On my way home, a stranger asked me for directions. As we were heading in the same direction, I walked with him for a stretch while clarifying the facts behind the persecution of Falun Dafa. He was shocked.

That evening, a deputy director called me. He happened to be one of the assessors this year. Upon seeing my unsatisfactory performance, he met with the other assessors and expounded on my regular stellar performance, my efforts to keep up with the latest medical techniques, and how I already fulfilled the qualifications for the title. With his help, I unexpectedly passed the exam.

Managing a Medical Department

I take my job seriously because I know my performance will influence people’s impression of Falun Dafa. My disregard for obtaining benefits has been praised by my superiors.

After obtaining the title of senior consultant in 2013, I was transferred to work under a colleague who had passed the oral exam earlier than me. As head of the department, she was proud of her position, although she handled her work carelessly. As I was indifferent to fame and wealth, I continued to work hard. Over time, she felt I posed a threat to her position and tried to chase me away from her department. I could not understand why, as I had previously put in extra hours at work to help get her through a very difficult period when she was short on staff.

I decided to leave and went to an auxiliary department. I let go of my pride as a senior consultant and just worked conscientiously like everybody else, enduring hardships and fulfilling tasks assigned by our leader. Whenever I encountered unfair situations, I looked inwards.

In 2018, the hospital director promoted me to head my current department. The previous department head had been removed due to his selfish, self-centered attitude. The department suffered from outdated practices, was overstaffed in some areas, and was inefficient. Many capable staff opted to leave the department. After resolving to manage this department well, I reformed the performance distribution policy, rewarded those who worked hard, punished those who were lazy, handled issues impartially, showed empathy, and established an upright environment. I also conducted training sessions using actual case studies in order to improve the skills of my staff.

During the three years of the COVID outbreak, the staff in our department selflessly helped each other. We managed to retain capable staff and even welcomed elite staff from other departments who chose to join us. Even staff who chose to venture abroad for postgraduate studies returned to our department to work after graduation. As our department continued to expand, we took in more work and improved our efficiency.

Interestingly, the colleague who passed the oral exam earlier than me was assigned to my department as my subordinate. I ignored the way she treated me before and treated her as my equal. I discussed key issues with her and made sure she had a share in any benefits. She expressed admiration for my orderly, cohesive department. Motivated by this positive atmosphere, she helped me resolve many issues.

A year and a half later, she returned to her managerial position as head of another department. We now enjoy a close working relationship. Through this incident, I realized the importance of treating others with sincerity, tolerance, and patience.

For the past 28 years, Master and Falun Dafa have molded my character to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Having understood the meaning of life, I am determined to walk my path and cultivate to enlightenment!