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Ireland: Public Praises Falun Dafa’s Principles During Events Held in Two Major Cities

June 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Ireland

(Minghui.org) The tourist season in Ireland is at its peak from the end of May to early June. Practitioners held events in two of the largest cities, Cork and Dublin, on May 27 and June 3, 2023, to tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. Many people asked for more information or wanted to learn the exercises. They also signed a petition to end the forced organ harvesting crimes in China.

Practitioners told people about Falun Dafa and the ongoing persecution in China in Dublin on June 3, 2023.

Ms. Ann from Ireland believes that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Dafa because the practice represents kindness, and evil wants to overthrow kindness. She said, “There is no need to debate, everyone should follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and stick to righteousness.”

People sign a petition to end the Chinese Communist Party’s forced organ harvesting crimes.

John, from Florida in the U.S., said he hopes the persecution of Falun Dafa stops immediately.

“State-sanctioned organ harvesting is a crime against humanity.”

“We need to stop this devil’s act!” said Catholic nun Eilish who has a long-standing commitment to ending human trafficking, especially child trafficking. “State-sanctioned forced human organ harvesting is a crime against humanity.” She said that Irish people should not turn a blind eye to it because the persecution is taking place in China.

Catholic nun Eilish said Irish people should pay attention to forced organ harvesting.

Anna and Gustavo from Brazil hope the persecution of Falun Dafa will end soon. 

Anna and Gustavo from Brazil were vacationing in Dublin with friends. After reading the display boards, Gustavo said, “When we first arrived in Europe, we met a lady from Hong Kong. She told us what happened in Hong Kong and Taiwan, so I fully believe the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Dafa is real.” They both signed the petition and said they hope that the persecution will end as soon as possible.

Susan, a Dublin native, said, “We should try our best to let people understand that everyone must firmly oppose this persecution.”

Rana, a university lecturer from Saudi Arabia working on her doctoral degree in Ireland, said she respects practitioners’ faith and opposes the CCP’s persecution.

French actor Okon

French actor Okon said that people would believe in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance if they read the ancient Chinese classics, “Why don’t we look at the maxims left by China’s own great philosophers 5,000 years ago, which existed before the Communist Party, and before the emergence of what we call modern society?” 

“A great and peaceful feeling”

Mark from England said that he is interested in practicing Falun Dafa.

Mark, a tourist from England, said that many people can’t distinguish between the “CCP” and “China,” even in Western society. He suggested that people learn how the CCP was established. In his view, Confucianism and Buddhism are traditional Chinese culture, while communism is a theory that originated in Germany.

In the face of a chaotic world, Mark wants a peaceful mind. He said that he was interested in practicing Falun Dafa, “Falun Dafa is peaceful, and it seems to be very helpful for health. Many people have benefited from it.”

Photographer Terry (left) expressed his support.

Annamarie, a dental esthetician, said, “I like your belief.”

After Jessica from Mexico learned the third Falun Dafa exercise she said, “It was a great feeling, I felt peaceful and my mind felt tranquil.”