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25-year-old Man Admitted to Prison to Serve Time for His Faith

June 15, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 25-year-old Changsha City, Hunan Province resident was taken to the Wangling Prison on May 29, 2023 to serve a term of three years and three months for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been targeted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Mr. Sun Yushan was arrested on January 20, 2022 and taken to the Changsha City No. 2 Detention Center two days later. His case was later transferred to the Liuyang City Procuratorate, which has been designated to handle Falun Gong cases in the region. Prosecutor Chen-Liu Yanghui indicted Mr. Sun on June 7 and moved the case to the Liuyang City Court. 

Judge Chen Yuchao initially scheduled a hearing for July 28, 2022, but canceled it the day before the court date, without providing any explanation. Mr. Sun’s family demanded dismissal of his case, but to no avail. 

On the day of the trial on February 15, 2023, the court was surrounded by several police cars and an ambulance. Several government officials were present as well. 

The court initially only allowed ten people to attend the trial, but later let in most of Mr. Sun’s family, given their strong protest. Judge Chen repeatedly interrupted the defense argument by Mr. Sun’s family defender. 

Mr. Sun insisted that he didn’t violate any law in practicing Falun Gong. He revealed that during the three days he was held at the police station, the police only provided one meal to him.

The judge sentenced Mr. Sun to three years and three months with a 10,000-yuan fine at the end of the trial. He appealed with the Changsha City Intermediate Court, which dispatched a judge from another court to hold a hearing at the detention center on March 20, despite Mr. Sun’s family’s strong demand for an open hearing in the appeals case. Judge Zou Xiaohong of the intermediate court announced the decision to uphold Mr. Sun’s original verdict a few days later. 

Perpetrators’ contact information:

Chen-Liu Yanghui (陈刘阳辉), prosecutor of Liuyang City Procuratorate: +86-18874159192Chen Yuchao (陈愈超), judge of Liuyang City Court: +86-13548629647, +86-731-83609025Zou Xiaohong (邹啸弘), judge of Changsha City Intermediate Court: +86-18817138226Lu Xianyu (卢先钰), warden of Wangling Prison: +86-15897390588

(More perpetrators’ contact information is available in the original Chinese article.)

Related report:

25-year-old Man Faces Trial for His Faith in Falun Gong