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Three Stubborn Old Men Quit the Party

June 16, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) When we are out telling people about the persecution of Falun Dafa and encouraging them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations, we encounter various reactions: Some can accept it; some cannot and leave as soon as we speak; some listen intently, while some challenge us. When people act negatively and rudely, it can be extremely difficult to continue talking to them. But I don’t want to give up, as Master Li endowed me with wisdom and presented these opportunities. So I never give up.

My Niece’s Father-in-Law Quits the CCP

I visited my niece’s family, but before I could say anything, my niece’s mother-in-law said, “I really don’t like you Falun Dafa practitioners. Your people always leave things at my home [referring to Dafa informational materials]. I’ve made up my mind to call a few people to catch you guys doing it.” This took me by surprise, and I couldn’t respond immediately.

I took a DVD from my bag and said, “Please don’t be angry. Let’s watch a video together.”

“Okay, just for your sake,” she replied.

We watched False Fire, a documentary detailing the discrepancies in the CCTV footage about the self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square. From then on, her attitude totally changed, and she quit the Party. A lot of my niece’s family also quit.

I had another meal with my niece’s family at a later date. My niece’s father-in-law worked for the government and was a CCP member, but he is honest and kind. I clarified the truth to him and tried to encourage him to quit the Party. But no matter how hard I tried, he kept shaking his head and refused to quit. Even my niece and her husband yelled at him, “Dad, what our aunt says makes sense. You should quit!” But he still refused. My niece’s mother-in-law also became angry. She picked up her chopsticks and hit her husband with them. I thought he would quit then, but he threw the chopsticks on the table and said, “I won’t quit! It took me a lot of effort to join the Party.” He then walked away. I thought, “He has no hope!” But I knew my thought was not correct.

Master said,

“Human thoughts can produce [the physical manifestation of] things that a person pictures in his mind, so what he thinks about can become reality. Because humans don’t have energy, the [physical manifestations] that their thoughts produce dissipate shortly. But the things that the great enlightened beings, divine beings, and higher lives think about will exist concretely.” (Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney)

I came to realize I’m a Dafa disciple, so if I want him to quit, he should quit for sure!

I went out to look for him. I saw him biting on a cucumber he had just picked from his small vegetable garden. When he offered me one, I replied, “I don’t want your cucumber. I want you to quit [the CCP]. Isn’t it for your own good and to keep you safe?”

He smiled and said, “Okay, I quit. I’m a man like this: The harder you push me, the more resistance I have. But if you speak nicely, I will do it.” Upon hearing this, I laughed and said, “You stubborn man!”

Over ten years have passed, and my niece’s family are all doing great. Her parents-in-law are both 75 years old this year and stayed safe from COVID. It was a blessing they enjoyed for quitting the CCP.

We practitioners should view everything with righteous thoughts.

“Old Mr. Wang” Quits

I often go to markets in rural areas to tell people about the persecution. I was talking to an elderly man who was a vendor selling tobacco leaves. Although I spoke a lot, he just kept smiling and didn’t take a stand on quitting the CCP. I thought, “I shouldn’t waste my time with him. I should save others first.” I then distributed materials to others and helped four people quit the Party.

When I finished distributing everything, I went back to the elderly man, shook the empty bag, and said, “Look, you didn’t want the materials, but a lot of people do. You won’t quit, but others will.” I then showed him the name list of those who had agreed to quit the CCP and said, “See! A lot of people quit today.”

When I started walking away, the man stood up and yelled out, “Please don’t go. I used to wear the red scarf, please help me quit!”

I went back to him with excitement, “Sir, what is your family name?” He told me it was Wang, but people called him “Old Mr. Wang.” I replied, “Good. I will remember it.”

A Cantankerous Man Sweeping His Yard

In 2019, I distributed Minghui calendars in a village with fellow practitioner Xiao Lan (pseudonym). We went to a yard and saw an elderly man sweeping. I walked up to him and said, “Sir, we bring blessings. This is a New Year calendar for you. We wish you and your family all the best in the New Year!” The man didn’t look up. He then grabbed the calendar, threw it on top of the wall, and continued to sweep his yard.

I wondered, “Why does this man have such a bad attitude?” I wanted to take the calendar back and leave. But it was predestined that we met, so I couldn’t leave. I stood there and said, “Sir, you must have worn the red scarf when you attended elementary school, right? When you put on the red scarf, you must have sworn to devote your life to communism, right? That means you also swore to devote your life to the Communist Party. But we can’t devote ourselves to the Party. We depend on Heaven for sustenance. We should devote ourselves to the divine! And only gods and Buddha can protect us. The Communist Party can’t. Remember, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!’ Please quit the Young Pioneers [an affiliation of the Party for young children] and void your oath.”

He still didn’t look up and kept sweeping. I wasn’t sure if he listened to me. Then I asked him in a softer tone, “Sir, may I know your family name, please?”

He stopped and said, “Do you know the name Lu?” (‘donkey’ in Mandarin).

I smiled and asked, “Is your last name Ma?” (‘horse’ in Mandarin) He chuckled and replied, “Yes! My surname is Ma.”

I said, “I will make a pseudonym for you – Ma Shangfa (becoming rich quick in Mandarin). You can quit with this name to void your oath and let the gods protect you!”

“That’s good! I like this name. I quit, I quit!”

After we left, Xiao Lan asked how I knew his name was Ma. I said, “There’s a saying, ‘There are some people whose family names are Ma, but nobody’s family name is Lu.’ So I assumed his family name must be Ma.”

“You’re so smart!” Xiao Lan replied.

“It’s not me being smart. Master endowed me with wisdom. He helped me think of that saying.”