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My Barbershop Is Where I Talk to People about Falun Dafa

June 19, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a veteran Falun Dafa practitioner who stepped into cultivation in March 1998. At that time, there were 3,000 to 4,000 practitioners in our county. Our Dafa practitioners went to the village fairs and the county township to promote Dafa. These activities were well received and I participated in them. I was very diligent back then and did the exercises in the morning and studied the Fa in the evening. I felt joy every day.

Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader, started persecuting Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. The Party defamed Master Li (Falun Dafa’s founder) and persecuted practitioners. We went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Dafa, and shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Restore the reputation of Master and Dafa!”

With Master’s protection, we returned home safely. At the Beijing Railway Station officials recorded many practitioners’ names. When it was my turn, the official said, “Go on the train quickly, it’s leaving.” This way, I returned home without giving my information to the authorities, and therefore they did not trouble me in the days that followed. I bowed three times in front of Master’s portrait and thanked Master for protecting me.

Talking to People about Dafa in My Barbershop

While I was meditating one day, a thought crossed my mind about how to help people to learn the truth about Falun Dafa and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

I was chatting with a customer in my barbershop and asked if he had joined the CCP organizations – which include the Youth League and the Young Pioneers. I talked to him about many things, including the “Hidden Character Stone” in Guizhou Province that displays the words “Chinese Communist Party Will Perish” inscribed on it, and is dated back some 270 million years. I told him that this is a warning from heaven that the CCP will be eliminated, as the Party has struggled against heaven, earth, gods, and the people for many years, and they defamed Master Li and tortured Dafa practitioners.

There are still people of consciousness in the CCP, and our compassionate Master wants to save all of them. Our practitioners are telling people about Falun Dafa and the persecution, helping them to understand the truth about Falun Dafa and to quit the CCP, in order to save them. “If you have joined the Party and any of it its youth organizations, you should quit them as soon as possible to secure yourself a good future.”

Many of my customers accepted my words and quit the Party. I also told them to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and reminded them to keep the phrases in mind.

A customer left his jacket in my shop. When hanging it on the coat hanger, I noticed it was heavy. I found 10,000 yuan in the pockets. My wife and I didn’t tell anyone as rumors and false accusations might begin to spread. One person contacted us three days later, looking for his jacket. I asked him to describe it, and he told us about the money in the pockets. We told him to come and collect it. He thanked us and wanted to offer us a few thousand yuan. I politely declined his offer, and said, “You know I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. My Master tells us to be good people and follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. You should thank my Master.” He did. I had talked to him before about Dafa, and he had already quit the Party.

Another time, I talked to a woman and helped her quit the CCP. She came to me again later that day and told me that her husband had joined the Young Pioneers and wanted to quit.

I asked her if he agreed to do so. She said he asked her to find me to help him quit. I said, “Okay, I will help him.” She left feeling very happy.

“I am Here to Listen to Your Talk Again”

I talked to almost all the people in my village and the surrounding areas and later moved to the county township and opened a barbershop there. One day the county mayor came for a haircut. I didn’t know he was the mayor and talked to him about Dafa and the persecution. I could tell he was nervous with me talking about this. When people later told me that he was the county mayor, I believed that he would not report me as what I told him was all true.

He returned three months later, and there were only two of us in the shop at the time. He said, “I’m here to listen to your talk again.” I told him about the evil nature and history of the Party. In the end, he quit the CCP.

“You would earn great merit if you can pass this information on to your family and friends,” I told him. He agreed and thanked me. I continued, “My Master wants us to offer Dafa’s salvation to people. You should thank my Master.” He did.

Police Station Personnel Come to My Barbershop

I returned to my hometown and opened a barbershop. I talked to the village branch party secretary and helped him quit the CCP. A villager who worked at the township police station often came with another officer for a haircut. I talked to them and helped them quit. When they came the next time, one of them shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” The other shouted, “The CCP is doomed by Heaven!” I was really happy for them.

Over time, that villager brought all the police station personnel to my barbershop. A police inspector said, “What’s going on? He’s brought everyone here for a haircut.”

I smiled and replied, “It’s predestined. A predestined relation from several lifetimes brings us together.” I talked to them about Falun Dafa and the persecution and helped them quit the CCP. They expressed their support and promised not to interfere with the practitioners’ activities and participate in the persecution anymore.

610 Office Agent Called Me a Very Kind Man

After we filed a criminal complaint against Jiang Zemin (former CCP leader), a man came to my barbershop wanting me to sign something. He wore civilian clothes and I couldn’t tell who he was. I asked, “Sign what?”

He said, “You can write that you will not practice [Falun Dafa] anymore,” I asked who he was. Only then did he inform me that he was with the 610 Office.

The Supreme Court responded to our complaint letter, and so the 610 Office got our information and started to harass us. I said to this man, “Jiang is a criminal and will meet his fate. Do you want to follow him? It will also affect your family.”

He said, “Forget it, if you don’t want to sign.” He turned around and was about to leave.

I stopped him, and said, “You must be clear today.” He said that he was going to other [practitioners’] houses. “Don’t go. If you keep doing this you will be committing a crime,” I reminded him.

“Okay! I won’t go to anyone’s house then,” he responded, and then left.

Nobody bothered me after that. I met another 610 Office agent later at a gathering. He patted me on the shoulder, and said, “This [referring to me] is a very kind man!” The people at the table all agreed.

Many people who came to my barbershop, learned the truth about Dafa and, over the years, I have helped about 30 people each day to quit the Party.

I have many stories to tell from over the past two decades. I clearly understand that only with Master’s protection am I able to cultivate to this day. Here, once again, I want to thank Master for guiding and protecting me.