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My Daughter Supported My Cultivation

June 19, 2023 |   By Mingyan, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Today is my daughter’s birthday. Since the beginning of my cultivation, even when I faced dangerous situations, she always supported and encouraged me.

My daughter’s celestial eye has been open since she was a baby. When she was about two years old, she often said, “I have two mothers, one is Mingyan mother, the other is my Buddha mother.” Once, when she told me her stomach ached, I said, “Don’t you have a Buddha mother? Why don’t you ask her to help?” She immediately sat in the lotus posture on the bed and mumbled something. She got up two minutes later and continued playing. This type of thing happened several times.

One evening when she was about five, I turned off the light to go to sleep. My daughter said, “So pretty!”

“What is pretty? The stars?” I asked.

“No, the air,” she said.

“Are you talking about the stars outside?” I was confused.

“No, it’s the air,” she repeated. She then described people and beautiful things she saw. Then she said she was disgusted by sight of intestines.

“Do you know what intestines look like? How can you see all this?” I asked.

She told me she would look at them when she couldn't fall asleep, and she thought everyone could see the things she saw.

I was still an atheist at the time, but I knew she was not lying.

In the beginning of my cultivation, as I was reading Master Li’s (the founder of Falun Dafa) teaching about the origin of lives and other dimensions, I immediately remembered our conversations. 

Unfortunately, I was not in contact with any other practitioners nor had I spent much time reading the Fa, so I stopped practicing when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999. 

My daughter was in elementary school at the time, and she brought home truth-clarifying pamphlets that Dafa practitioners left in our apartment building. After reading them, I understood the truth behind the persecution.

One day in 2001, I met a practitioner who showed me how to send forth righteous thoughts and she explained what practitioners ought to do. My daughter and I sent forth righteous thoughts together. One time, my daughter said, “I saw Master Li.” “Really? Where?” I asked. “On top of the cloud,” she replied.

She described what she saw in other dimensions: Falun flying all over the sky, huge characters of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in gold, and a golden earth. She also heard Master speaking to her, and his voice echoed. She also saw demons who were destroyed by her righteous thoughts.

All of these visions encouraged me to return to cultivation. I made some truth-clarifying materials to give out. My daughter helped when she had time.

I got in touch with other practitioners in our area in 2005. I joined the effort of making large quantities of Falun Dafa materials. Since I still had to work, there was not much time left in the day to take care of my daughter. She never grumbled. She would buy something to eat if I did not have time to cook for her. After my husband and I divorced, her father did not take care of our daughter or give me any alimony. We moved in with my parents. With a very small salary, our lives were hard, but my daughter never complained.

I was arrested at home in 2007. With Master’s protection, I escaped. While I was away, my daughter, who was in middle school at the time said, “As long as my mother is safe, I don’t need to see her again.” I was touched and happy for her righteous thoughts. Because of what she said, my righteous thought also got stronger.

The police tried to contact my daughter. They called her school and claimed that I was involved in politics – an excuse used by the CCP to go after people. The teacher who answered the phone was a Falun Dafa practitioner. She refused to cooperate with the police. Later, the teacher asked my daughter to inquire about me. My daughter did not say anything at first. The teacher told her, “People who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good people. Tell me your mother’s name; we will send righteous thoughts for her.” My daughter told the teacher my name. I came home a week later. I still do not know who this teacher is, but I am grateful that she protected my child.

My daughter never tried to stop me from going out to talk to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. Instead, she quietly supported me. When I talk to her friends, she helps me persuade them to quit the CCP and its youth organizations.

My daughter now works at a shopping mall. During the COVID pandemic, she introduced me to her coworkers. They greeted me warmly. Eventually, they all quit the CCP organizations they'd joined. Sometimes my daughter would remind me, “Mother, this is an upscale shopping mall, watch what you say.” However, when I talked to people about Dafa or the persecution, she never stopped me and often helped me.

China had another COVID outbreak in December 2022, and my daughter’s coworkers all got sick. She had a fever and coughed. She went to work because everyone else in the office had symptoms worse than hers. She soon completely recovered.

I became more and more steadfast in my cultivation. The consistent support from my kind and loyal daughter has played a major part. My only regret is that I did not encourage her to practice. She is an adult now, and not as diligent in cultivation as when she was young.

Thank you, Master, for your protection and compassion!