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Seventy-Year-Old Practitioner Clarifies the Facts

June 20, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Henan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am 70 years old and have been practicing Falun Dafa for over 20 years. My daughter-in-law’s uncle came to visit her during the mid-autumn festival in 1998. He introduced Falun Dafa to me after seeing that I had problems walking. He told me that the Dafa exercises work wonders in improving one’s health. He also explained that Dafa teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I wanted to learn it as soon as I heard about it.

Dafa books were scarce at the time, but I could borrow a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. I finished reading it in two days and thought it was precious and different from any other book I had ever read.

I was down to the last bottle of medicine that I got from the hospital for my injections, but I wasn’t able to inject it. I tried three times, but the needle wouldn’t penetrate the skin that afternoon. I knew that this meant Master was taking care of me, so I joined Dafa cultivation and stopped taking injections and medicine. My husband and children have been very supportive of my cultivation. I went out with fellow practitioners to clarify the truth about Dafa whenever I could.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. My intention was to tell people the truth about Dafa. I distributed pamphlets, hung up banners, and put up posters at night, despite being scared of the dark in the past. I told people about Dafa on my cell phone and face-to-face. I did what Master asked us to do.

Domestic Security Head Hears the Facts

I was arrested and taken to the Domestic Security Division. I told them that I was a Dafa practitioner, but refused to give my name and address. The head of the division got angry and hit, kicked, and slapped my face. I was unmoved and sent righteous thoughts. He was very tired from beating me and upset that I wasn’t cooperating. I, on the other hand, felt no pain, as Master shouldered it for me.

I told him that I recovered from all my ailments once I started cultivating in Dafa. “I would have been in a wheelchair if it wasn’t for Dafa. Falun Dafa is a high-level Buddha law. There is nothing wrong with spreading such a good cultivation way. Please choose the right path for yourself and your family.” He seemed to understand and released me later that day.

Helping People During the Pandemic

COVID struck, and officials began to quarantine the entire village on Chinese New Year’s Day in 2020. Not being able to go out, I stayed in my village to tell people the facts about Dafa. I used to distribute Dafa informational materials in the past, but I could no longer go to people’s homes, and few people were on the streets. I strolled around the village and greeted whomever I met.

I saw five people out enjoying the sun one day. I went up to them and said, “It’s good to get some sunshine.”

“The pandemic is serious,” they said frustratingly. “We can’t go anywhere!”

I responded, “No matter how bad the pandemic gets, it is geared toward bad people. Ancient people said that evil cannot disturb you if you have righteous energy. As long as you recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ the virus will not touch you. You are sending out positive energy when you recite these words, and it will resonate with the universe’s positive energy, so the deities will protect you. The pandemic targets the CCP and its youth organizations – the Youth League and Young Pioneers. The Party has killed 80 million Chinese people. It began to persecute Falun Dafa in 1999. It fabricated the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident and harvests organs from Falun Dafa practitioners. Those who choose to stay with the CCP will share its responsibility for its bad deeds. Only if you quit the CCP organizations and its affiliates can you be safe.”

Four of them quit the Party. The other one said that he had not joined any of the CCP organizations. I gave them each an amulet with the words “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” on them. They all repeated the words.

Cancer Patient Listens to the Truth

A 70-year-old woman in the village had two tumors in her throat. She could not eat, and it was painful. She went to the hospital and the doctor said it was late-stage cancer, but they could not operate because of where the tumor was located. She spit out pus and blood all the time. The family began to prepare for the worst.

I went to see her after I learned about her situation. Her face was pale and sallow. I said, “You know your own condition. The hospital has refused to treat you. Why don’t you sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’. You need to do it every day, persistently. Dafa will show its power to you.” She did it several times right away.

She later brought me a bag of apricots once they had ripened at her home. She was clearly more energetic. She was able to ride her bicycle to the neighboring village, as though she had never been ill. I asked her if she still recited the words I told her. She laughed, saying, “I sure do. It is so wonderful. I must do it. Thank you.”

I said, “It is Dafa’s Master who saved you. You need to thank him.”

She exclaimed, “Thanks to Dafa’s Master. Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”