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My Back Straightened After Twenty Years of Practice

June 23, 2023 |   By Lantian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I became a Falun Dafa practitioner in 1999. Under the protection of Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) and Dafa’s guidance, I’ve continued on my cultivation path while maintaining righteous thoughts. I’d like to share my experience with the extraordinary power of Dafa.

I’ve been a hunchback for more than 20 years, and have been doing the Falun Dafa exercises as if I was an old person. I envied practitioners who had straight backs. I knew my body image did not represent Dafa well, and it was a sign of disrespect toward Master.

One day in 2022, I went to a neighborhood to cook for two elderly folks and ran into a practitioner. She pushed my head up and said my back was severely bent. I said it had been like that for years, and I couldn’t straighten it.

We shared a few words and said goodbye. I didn’t feel good and thought, “How can a practitioner having a humped back and walking like an old person show that Dafa is amazing? How can I go out and talk to people about Falun Dafa when I’m in this shape?”

Master said,

“So it’s usually the case that people with weaker faith have to endure more, since it bespeaks of having more karma. And so spiritual practice is much harder for them.” (The Fourth Talk, Zhuan Falun)

Master’s words moved me and I thought about my situation: My husband passed away 20-some years ago, and I had to work to raise three children. Fa study was merely a formality, and I just wanted to pass the tests when I encountered problems. 

I didn’t cultivate according to the Fa principles, and therefore I couldn’t improve. I experienced many tribulations and suffered greatly. 

I was resentful and complained about small issues. I failed to look inward and missed many opportunities to elevate my character.

I searched inward and found I still had a lot of attachments after 20-plus years of cultivation. So I told myself, “My back will be straightened.”

Master saw my righteous thoughts and straightened my back.

I’ve been walking around with a straight back since then. In the past, practitioners had to remind me of my posture when we did the exercises. 

Now I can meditate with a straight back and neck, and not get sleepy. I sit in the full lotus position when I read Dafa books, and I’m able to concentrate.

The abnormalities went away when I improved in my cultivation. Things brightened up when I discarded human notions. 

I was determined to be strict with my thoughts and actions from then on.

Master looks after all Dafa practitioners in every aspect of our lives. I truly felt His compassionate care, especially during this tribulation.