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Munich: “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Is Very Important to the Soul”

June 5, 2023 |   By De Xiang, a Minghui correspondent in Munich, Germany

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Germany gathered on Sendlinger Strasse, a pedestrian street in Munich, on Saturday, May 27, 2023, to hold an event to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of the practice. The event gained the support of many passersby.

Falun Dafa practitioners in Germany held an event on a pedestrian street in Munich on May 27, 2023.

People sign a petition calling for an end to the persecution in China.

Passersby talk to practitioners to learn more about Falun Dafa.

Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Calms One’s Inner Soul 

Velien Velinov (right) and Ben Urcidan

Velien Velinov and Ben Urcidan are music engineers. They saw the Falun Dafa practitioners’ activities and came over to talk with the practitioners. The each signed the petition to support the efforts to end the persecution in China. 

Velien said that he had learned a bit about the CCP’s persecution of human rights through a friend. He said that a friend from Bulgaria had studied in China for a year and had been in close contact with Chinese society. “He spoke of some situations which made me feel very sad because I came from Yugoslavia, a formerly communist country. In the past, we also faced similar problems,” Velien said.

“We see the people in Munich standing up for [human rights in] China, and especially the Chinese people are also standing up for freedom in China. We feel that that is very good and this is the reason why we also want to participate in the movement,” he said.

Ben, of Ethiopian ancestry, said he agrees with his colleague’s point of view. “We got information from different sources, not just from social media but also from more reliable sources,” he said. “Your event here immediately attracted our attention so I wanted to sign the petition.”

Ben and Velien were also interested in the practitioners’ exercise demonstration. Ben said, “I feel like it calms people down unknowingly. We can see everyone meditating on the left and Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance [on a banner] on the right. Put it this way; it is a form of calmness for one’s inner soul. This is very important.”

Velien noted that Falun Dafa practitioners “can temporarily calm down amid this messy and noisy environment situated in a whole bustling city. This is very good.” He said that the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are “very important for peace and the growth of one’s inner soul. It helps people to move on a spiritual level.”

When they learned that the CCP prohibits people from cultivating Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, the young men’s eyes opened wide with surprise. 

Velien said, “This is terrible. This is an infringement of human rights.” 

Ben added, “I did not know that people needed to be punished for seeking inner peace. In the past two to three hundred years, everyone fought and sacrificed for human rights, but now there are people who are snatching these rights away from people. This is too much. Totally unacceptable.”

Swiss Psychologist: I Stand Together With All of You in Munich

Margret Meyer, a psychologist from Switzerland, is very happy to have the opportunity to show her support for Falun Dafa practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

Margret Meyer, a Swiss psychologist, saw the words “Petition to Object to the CCP’s Live Organ Harvesting” written on a banner, so she stopped to sign. “This is too scary. This matter is too horrible. It is really outrageous,” she said.

Margret said that the reason the CCP persecutes Falun Dafa and does not allow people to cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is because of its communist nature, which persecutes everyone’s spiritual beliefs. “Of course it is like that, just like the communist period when all the churches were being banned. This is very clear,” she said.

“I’m here in Munich to stand together with you,” adding that she was happy to have this opportunity to show her support. 

Violin Maker: The Exercise Scene Is Calm and Peaceful

Violin maker Albert saw the booth exposing the CCP’s persecution of human rights and stopped his bicycle. After signing the petition, he spoke to a practitioner for a long time. “I know China’s power system has implemented many measures that are against human nature,” he said.

Seeing the Falun Dafa practitioners doing the exercises in a group, Albert remarked, “I feel especially good. It is a very calm and peaceful place, and the [exercise] music is also wonderful.”

When told about the ongoing, 24-year persecution, Albert said, “What else can I say? Sorry, I am totally speechless. A power system wants to see and feel its powers, so it destroys all the other forms of organizations, including belief.” 

The CCP’s Evil Nature Is Completely Opposed to Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance

Robert Fürer is a consultant from Switzerland who works in construction design. He heard the broadcast about the CCP’s criminal acts of harvesting Falun Dafa practitioners’ organs while they are still alive, and he came to the booth to sign the petition. “I often hear about Falun Dafa and information about China’s organ transactions by force without gaining consent. In Switzerland, we are critical about this, and vigilant too.”

Although he had already heard about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa, Robert said that he wanted to learn more about it. He was very grateful to a German practitioner who explained the truth about Falun Dafa to him in detail.

Robert felt that the Falun Dafa practitioner’s demonstration of the exercises was very peaceful, and he said it was unbelievable that the CCP prohibits people from cultivating Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. “This is too scary. A totally upside down world,” he said.

“This is what I do not understand. Why did China want to persecute and object to this? This is positive and healthy. If they are persecuting them for the organ transactions and to earn money, that is too horrible, isn’t it?” he said.

He agreed that the CCP was not willing to let people cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance because the CCP’s evil nature is completely opposed to these principles.