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Dafa Gave Me a New Life When I Was in Despair

June 6, 2023 |   By Mu En, a Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, in 1995. Master Li, the founder of Falun Gong, has always protected me and I have been liberated from the torment of illness.

Master rescued me from a sea of suffering and gave me a new life when I was helpless and living in despair. He guided me along the way as I became a true Falun Dafa disciple and embarked upon a cultivation path to return to my original self. No words can express my profound gratitude.

A Life of Misery

I came down with polio when I was young. As a result, I could not climb high steps, my heels couldn’t touch the ground, and I had to walk on my toes.

In 1993, I also suffered from several other ailments, including cervical spinal canal stenosis, a herniated disc, chronic joint disease, and frequent tachycardia. I endured a great deal of pain, especially when I lay down to sleep at night. Although my family tried to make my bed as comfortable as possible, in desperation I had to stand up to sleep most of the time. After standing for long periods of time, my legs grew crookedly. My body became deformed, and my stomach became big and bloated, making it difficult to defecate.

The suffering was really beyond words. My family was also in financial trouble as I had spent all of my savings on medical care. My circumstances were desperate. I kept asking myself when the suffering would end.

Taking Up Falun Dafa

In 1995, a friend showed me a book titled Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. I opened it and saw the photo of Master. It somehow made me feel happy and excited. I had the feeling that I’d seen him somewhere before. I went to the bookstore and bought myself a copy of the book.

While reading Zhuan Falun the night I got it, I fell asleep unknowingly and slept deeply. I slept from 8 p.m. until noon the next day without discomfort. My family was worried, but I had not slept this well since I had first become ill.

My pain was gone even before I finished reading the entire book. My whole family cried and exclaimed, “Dafa is really amazing!”

After practicing Falun Dafa, all the ailments that had plagued me for more than 30 years disappeared completely, and my heels were able to once again touch the ground when I walked uphill. From Zhuan Falun, I understood the meaning of life and why human beings have illness. I was firmly determined to follow Master and diligently cultivate myself well. Dafa gave me a new life.

Dafa Is Amazing

I have encountered dangerous things during my years of cultivation, but protected by Master, I have made it through safely.

One day, I went out with a fellow practitioner to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa. As I walked across the road, a car sped downhill and its right front tire ran over my legs. The car came to a sudden stop. The driver was terrified. His wife also cried in fright, saying that they could not stop the car because the brake was not working well. The fellow practitioner quickly comforted them. I told them that I practiced Falun Dafa, and I would be fine because our master protects us. I then clarified the truth to them and helped them quit the Chinese Communist Party. I also politely declined their offer to see a doctor.

After they left, we continued clarifying the truth. When I got home in the afternoon, my ankle joints were purple and black, but I was not in much pain. I knew that compassionate Master bore it for me. Master also used this opportunity for me to eliminate a lot of karma.

On another occasion, as I was walking, an older woman who was sitting on a bench asked me how my legs came to return to normal. I asked, “Did you know me when I was ill and my legs hurt?” The woman did not answer and just repeated the question.

When I told her that Falun Dafa cured my legs, she quickly asked me to help her. I told her the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She recited them with me twice in a trembling voice. She then asked me to write them down for her. I told her that reciting the phrases while in danger would bring her blessings. I also gave the woman a Falun Dafa keepsake to carry with her.

A few years have passed, but the day I met that woman has always been in my mind. I regret that I didn’t talk to her more about Dafa at that time. Although I did not ask her name or where she came from, I knew that she came for the Fa.