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Award-winning Teacher Tried for His Faith

June 8, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Guangdong Province, China

(Minghui.org) A Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province resident faced a judge on May 25, 2023 for his faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. Mr. Yu Tao was not notified of the court hearing in advance as required by law. He only found out about it from his lawyer when the later visited him on the day before the hearing.

Mr. Yu, around 46, previously taught math at the Dajing Town No. 1 Middle School in Gaozhou City. He was demoted by the Gaozhou City Education Bureau for upholding his faith in Falun Gong, and transferred to the Tiantangcun Elementary School in the same city. No matter where he was, Mr. Yu was always popular among the students and received an “excellent teacher” award several times.

After Mr. Yu was arrested at home on August 12, 2021, his case was handled by Maonan District in Maoming City, which oversees Gaozhou City.

The Maonan District Procuratorate twice returned his case to the police citing insufficient evidence, but later indicted him after the police submitted his case a third time.

Maonan District Court held a hearing in the Maoming City First Detention Center on May 25, 2023. Mr. Yu, who has been held at the Gaozhou City Detention Center since his arrest, was taken there to attend the trial.

Mr. Yu testified in his own defense. He said that the very fact he was made a defendant for upholding his faith was shameful for the judge and prosecutor, as well as everyone else working in law enforcement, the procuratorates, and the courts across China. He emphasized that no law in China has ever criminalized Falun Gong. The judge interrupted him, saying, “The law has long banned Falun Gong.” Mr. Yu asked which law stipulated this, and the judge couldn’t present any evidence. He and the prosecutor also had no answer when Mr. Yu questioned which law enforcement he had allegedly undermined.

The judge didn’t allow Mr. Yu to finish his defense statement, and simply said he could submit it to them.

Mr. Yu’s two lawyers pointed out that he was arrested after his school principal and several colleagues turned in the letter he wrote them to the police. In the letter, he debunked the slanderous propaganda against Falun Gong and explained what Falun Gong is. He also said that his colleagues should never have shared his letter without his consent, and as such, the letter could not be used as admissible evidence against him. Additionally, no prosecution’s witnesses were in court to accept cross examination, and the prosecution evidence presented in court were photocopies, not original items. The court also did not inform Mr. Yu of the hearing ahead of time.

Given the lack of legal basis to charge Mr. Yu, his lawyers demanded his acquittal.

Mr. Yu’s mother, nearly 70, and brother were the only two family members allowed to attend the hearing. They had been denied visits with him since his arrest. It was the first time they saw him in one year and nine months. They noted that he had lost a significant amount of weight.

Also present at the hearing were three teachers from Mr. Yu’s school, and three officials from his village committee.

Related Report:

Police Refuse to Release Guangdong Man After Procuratorate Returns His Case Twice