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Washington State, U.S.A.: Falun Dafa’s Principles Praised During Independence Day Parade and Festival

July 10, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to participate in the Carnation Independence Day Parade on July 4, 2023. The parade was part of a popular two-day event and residents arrived early to secure a spot along the parade route.

Dafa practitioners carrying banners wave to parade spectators.

Practitioners on the float demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

The practitioners’ parade entry consisted of a banner team, a float decorated with flowers, and a waist drum team. Practitioners dressed as celestial maidens demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises.

The waist drum team was composed of practitioners who traveled in from Seattle and Canada. They danced gracefully to the tunes, Falun Dafa Is GoodJoyous Celebration, and New China March. Their lively performances were met with rounds of applause. Many people took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos while some shouted, “This is great!” and, “Brilliant!”

As practitioners passed the rostrum, the emcee introduced Falun Dafa: “Falun Dafa, also called Falun Gong, is a form of cultivation that improves one’s mind and health. The practice includes exercises and meditation, and practitioners are guided to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance to improve their moral integrity. It originated in China and now people in more than a hundred countries practice it. It is also free of charge.”

Mr. Morgan, the committee chairperson, said, “I think that Falun Dafa is beneficial and guides people towards compassion. In modern society, how to maintain one’s psychological health is a hot topic. Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance bring great benefits to people.”

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises at their booth.

A festival followed the parade, and practitioners were invited to set up a booth. Many people were interested in learning more about Falun Dafa and thanked practitioners for bringing health, peace and a positive spirit to their community.

Bena listens attentively as a practitioner tells her how the CCP persecutes Falun Dafa.

Bena said that she traveled to China to visit her husband who is teaching there and she could feel the tense atmosphere. She said that she felt fortunate to see practitioners’ performances and receive information about the practice. She said she’ll share the information with her husband so that he will not be deceived by the lies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under China’s harsh environment.

Ms. Ellie learns about Falun Dafa in a conversation with a practitioner.

Ms. Ellie learned that Falun Dafa guides people to cultivate based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. She thinks that if a person can truly follow these principles he will be able to maintain a noble character. “We cannot control the external environment, nor can we stop the changes in the weather,” she said. “However, we can improve our self discipline. Practicing Falun Dafa is a very good way to improve ourselves. I will go online to learn more about Falun Dafa. I will also tell my family and friends about it.”

Jeremiah wanted to know where the nearest practice site was.

Serenity was pleased to accept a lotus flower keepsake that has the Falun Dafa website printed on it.

After the parade ended, a spectator gave the waist drum troupe members a thumbs up and called out, “Your performance was the best in the parade!”