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Jiangxi Woman Hospitalized Multiples Times Since Arrest in Mid-March, Still Denied Bail

July 19, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 55-year-old resident of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province has been hospitalized several times since she was arrested on March 12, 2023 for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Xu Zhen’s health quickly declined due to the poor living conditions in the Nanchang City First Detention Center. She was found to have hypoalbuminemia (a condition where the patient’s body doesn’t produce enough albumin protein that’s responsible for keeping fluid in the blood vessels). She needed to have small meals once every three hours.

Ms. Xu’s condition worsened on April 14, 2023 and she was taken to the Nanchang University Affiliated Second Hospital for resuscitation. The doctors said she had developed severe symptoms in her heart and kidneys. Her legs were also extremely swollen and she suffered from skin fissures (cracks in the skin). She also vomited from time to time.

The detention center checked Ms. Xu out of the hospital even before her conditions improved. She ended up needing emergency rescue in the hospital again a few days later.

Ms. Xu was hospitalized several more times in the next few months. She was taken to Zhonghuan Hospital (under the administration of the local police department) around July 17. It is unclear if she is still hospitalized at the time of this writing.

The police had urged Ms. Xu’s family many times to cover her medical expenses, including supplements as part of her medication regimen. It’s unclear whether her loved ones complied.

Ms. Xu’s family submitted a request in early May 2023 to have her released on bail, but the Jingdong Police Station refused to process the request, much less release her.

Latest Arrest and Past Persecution

Ms. Xu went to nearby Luojia Town to distribute Falun Gong informational materials on March 12, 2023. She was spotted and followed by officers from the Jingdong Police Station. They arrested her and took her to the Nanchang City First Detention Center. Her husband, who does not practice Falun Gong but accompanied her to Luojia Town that day, was also arrested. He was held at the Erqibei Road Lockup for a few days before being released.

This is not the first time that Ms. Xu has been targeted for her faith. She was previously sentenced to a three-year prison term following an arrest in 2008. She was brutally tortured at the Jiangxi Province Women’s Prison.