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Delivering Materials to Fellow Practitioners for Over 20 Years

July 20, 2023 |   Narrated by a Falun Dafa practitioner in Northeastern China, edited by a fellow practitioner

(Minghui.org) It has been 24 years since the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20, 1999. During all these years, I have continued to deliver the Minghui Weekly and other Falun Dafa informational materials every week to fellow practitioners in my area.

I live in the countryside, and all my fellow practitioners live in villages quite some distance from each other. After the persecution began, we communicated less frequently. Some of us lived in more remote areas, and some were seniors who had difficulty traveling. That meant it wasn’t easy for them to get hold of Dafa materials. And there were other factors to consider, such as the safety of the material production sites. At that time, the Minghui Weekly was just one page, and it was not printed in large quantities in my area. Most of our practitioners could not read Minghui Weekly in a timely manner. Under Master’s arrangement, with a seemingly coincidental chance and idea, I took up the task of distributing materials weekly to fellow practitioners within a radius of about 15 miles.

I really felt it was a great honor when I accepted this task. Dafa was being persecuted, and fellow practitioners were all doing what they were supposed to do. I was very happy that I could finally contribute. I had a very sacred sense of responsibility and mission. I told myself that I must do it well! But I never thought I would be involved in this task up to today.

Every week I picked up the Minghui Weekly and other materials at the designated time and place and then started to distribute them. I delivered some to fellow practitioners’ homes and some to a designated place. I had a brief exchange with each practitioner, so I could find out what each one needed. I then passed that information on to the production site. For example, some practitioners needed Dafa books, some needed truth-clarification materials, and so on. I also helped collect the lists of names of people who’d quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations, as well as notified others when a fellow practitioner needed help. That meant I sometimes had to go back and forth several times for just one practitioner. I knew this was the most important thing for me to do, and I must not delay it. I always make sure that I do things in a timely manner and that I am not afraid of facing any trouble or difficulty. In all these years, except for very special circumstances, I never missed a single delivery. No matter if it was during the harvest season or when I had visitors, when I needed to deliver something, I always went immediately. My family has also been very supportive of me.

I knew this responsibility was very special. It involved the safety of the material production site as well as the safety of fellow practitioners, so I told myself to always look at everything based on the Fa. The first thing I always paid attention to was cultivation of speech. At first, the production site was very large and was responsible for making materials for all the surrounding towns. Sometimes, many people were there picking up materials, and I tried to avoid any unnecessary contact. I never gossiped or chatted about ordinary things. I left right after I picked up what I came for. Later on, there were more and more production sites, and it became more convenient and secure.

When talking to fellow practitioners as I delivered materials to them, I only shared based on the Fa. I did not pass on rumors or say anything unnecessary. As time went by and fellow practitioners knew each other better, I paid even more attention to not talking to them based on human sentimentality. I never carried my mobile phone when I was making deliveries..

I understood that it was not accidental for me to hear or encounter things, and in the process I was able to eliminate many attachments, especially the competitive mentality. When I was younger, I had a bad temper, but I knew I was providing a service to everyone and I should not be afraid of trouble and should not be affected by emotions or human notions. I looked at any conflict as an opportunity to improve my xinxing. For instance, when a practitioner’s ordinary family members said mean things to me, I knew that I must do even better in front of them. Or when a practitioner was arrested and other practitioners were afraid and did not want me to deliver materials to them, I understood. I just told them to let me know when they wanted materials again.

We are one-body. Since I have frequent contact with fellow practitioners, I can often sense their cultivation states and understand the problems they are encountering.

Sometimes when fellow practitioners were just released from prison, I delivered new lectures to them and shared with them. In fact, many times it was just Master using my mouth to wake up the practitioner, because afterwards I was often surprised by what I said. Some of their ordinary family members did not let me talk to the practitioners, but I found ways to pass on the materials. Once, a fellow practitioner was not in a good cultivation state and didn’t dare to have contact with other practitioners. When he saw me, he turned around and left the house. I didn’t mind and just left Master’s new lecture for him. He ended up reading the lecture after I left, and he understood it. When I went the next time, he cried. I knew that Master was doing everything and watching over every disciple!

When I encountered a practitioner who was suffering from sickness karma, I shared with him, studied the Fa with him, and asked other practitioners I met to send forth righteous thoughts for him. I remained patient even when he read the Fa very slowly, and I went there whenever he needed me. When fellow practitioners wanted to watch NTDTV programs, I helped them contact technical practitioners who could help them with it. Later, because all the practitioners’ families and friends wanted to watch NTDTV, I learned to do some basic procedures myself, so I could save a few trips for the technical practitioners. It was convenient for me to help, since I went there every week.

Once when I went to a practitioner’s home, I saw that he was in a bad state. When I asked him about it, he didn’t want to talk about it. After I returned home, the more I thought about it, the more I didn’t feel great about it. When I was in bed that night half-sleep, I vaguely felt that that practitioner and I were playing together when we were children. We were having a good time, but then he suddenly fell into a deep valley, and I quickly shouted, “Master, help him!” I stretched out my hand to pull him out, and my arm grew longer and longer and he climbed up my arm. I knew that this dream was a hint from Master. So the next day, I went to share with him about it. I then continued to go and share with him based on the Fa.

There was another situation where a fellow practitioner’s wife passed away, and someone told him that after 100 days he would die, too. He acknowledged this. Then his main consciousness became unclear and he was in a dazed state. He even fell down several times while doing the Dafa exercises, and he couldn’t concentrate when studying the Fa. I quickly explained this situation to the coordinator, and we both went to share with him. He was able to understand the situation based on the Fa, and he was energized. Now he is still diligently cultivating and doing the three things.

During these years, it was common to encounter bad weather, but Master had long given me the realm of taking hardship as happiness. When it rained, I wrapped the materials in plastic sheeting. At that time when it rained, the roads in the village got very muddy and it was difficult to ride a bike. On such days, I walked to pick up and deliver the materials. One time it was snowing and I was riding a motorcycle, but the snow got thicker and thicker and it got more difficult to ride. I had to push the motorcycle on my way back with it in first gear. Another time, the road was covered in ice, and my motorcycle slid and I fell down. I got up, picked up the bag, hoisted up the motorcycle, and continued on my way. I wasn’t hurt at all; I knew Master was taking care of me.

Over the past 20 years, I replaced the bag I use to carry the materials several times, and the old bicycle I rode initially was replaced with a motorcycle. Nowadays when it is windy and rainy, my children drive me to deliver the materials. All our fellow practitioners are firmly walking on the path of assisting Master in Fa-rectification, and diligently do the three things well.

Over the years, I have walked on this path with my fellow practitioners through ups and downs, and every step was with Master’s protection and help. Thank you, Master, for arranging for me to assume this responsibility, and thank you, fellow practitioners, for all the help and encouragement.