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Déjà vu of Cultural Revolution: Woman Denies Having Ever Known Her Husband After Being Detained for Less Than One Year

July 24, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) A Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, resident was sentenced to nine months for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. 

Ms. Liu Huiping’s husband, Mr. Zhong Qingmiao, also a Falun Gong practitioner, hired the same trial lawyer to represent her in the appeals case. The lawyer visited her on June 16, 2023 and relayed to Mr. Zhong what happened during the meeting. 

Ms. Liu refused to sign the appeals paperwork and denied having ever known her husband. She changed her statements a bit later and said she hated Mr. Zhong and his son and everyone else in his extended family. 

That was not the loving wife, stepmother, and daughter-in-law that Mr. Zhong knew. He married Ms. Liu, a native of Changde City, Hunan Province, in 2021. She moved to Jiujiang in May 2022. 

Since her first day living with Mr. Zhong, Ms. Liu took good care of his son, a 6th grader who had a learning disability and an intelligence level of a three-year-old, as well as his 85-year-old father. Just one month before she was arrested on September 26, 2022, his father suddenly felt very cold and couldn’t move, when the temperature was over 100°F outside. Ms. Liu found a blanket for him and gave him warm water. He finally felt better a few hours later.

What happened to Ms. Liu felt like Déjà vu of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), when the communist regime spread hatred and turned family members against each other.

Mr. Zhong is saddened that his wife has been turned into a different person in less than one year of detention.

Police Interrogate Stepson In Order to Frame Ms. Liu

A group of plainclothes officers knocked on Ms. Liu’s door on September 26, 2022. She refused to open the door so the police climbed into her home through the window. The printer she used to print study materials for her stepson and her cellphone were confiscated. 

The police accused Ms. Liu of teaching her stepson to practice Falun Gong. The police later went to her then 13-year-old stepson’s school, asked him many questions and videotaped him, with no guardian present.

Ms. Liu was first given 15 days of administrative detention and put on criminal detention on October 12. The Lianxi District Procuratorate approved her arrest on October 21. 

Mr. Zhong filed a complaint with Lianxi District Procuratorate on November 8, 2022 against the police and prosecutor Lian Zhen for wrongfully persecuting his wife. Prosecutor Jiang Yaqing received him but refused to accept the complaint. “The entire county is like this [persecuting Falun Gong]. There is nothing I can do,” said Jiang.

Mr. Zhong returned two days later to submit his complaint. He was given a document, which the procuratorate said was the legal basis for their prosecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

The document was nowhere to be found online. Mr. Zhong noted it was an internal document issued by the Supreme Court on November 5, 1999 [Supreme Court, 1999-29], asking courts at various levels to study and follow two other documents that were both issued on October 30, 1999. 

The first document was “Resolution on Banning Heretic Cult Organizations, Guarding against and Punishing Heretic Cult Activities” from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. The second document was “Interpretation from the Supreme Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate Regarding the Application of the Law in Handling Cases Involving Heretic Organizations.”

Mr. Zhong said it is hard to imagine that prosecutors would cite an internal document, not an enacted law, to support their prosecution of Falun Gong practitioners. 

Brainwashed to Admit Guilt

Ms. Liu’s case was later assigned to Yongxiu County, which is under the administration of Jiujiang, to handle. The Youngxiu County Procuratorate indicted her and the Youngxiu County Court tried her. It is unclear when the indictment, the trial, and the sentencing took place. It also remains unknown when Ms. Liu’s prison sentence began.

The police listed Ms. Liu’s stepson as a witness against her. She was initially clear that she was simply being persecuted for practicing Falun Gong, but later became muddleheaded after being bombarded with warped theories about Falun Gong. She began to believe that her husband was trying to frame her by having her care for his son. When she expressed such thoughts to the lawyer when he visited her after her arrest, the latter reminded her it was the communist regime that was persecuting her, not her husband. But she refused to listen and later admitted guilt during her trial.

Mr. Zhong hired the same lawyer to appeal her sentence. When the lawyer saw Ms. Liu again on June 16, 2023, he was shocked to hear her say that she didn’t know her husband.

Mr. Zhong has filed verbal complaints against judge Luo Damao (+86-792-3265641) of the Youngxiu County Court, for causing his family irreparable harm.

Related Reports:

Police Interrogate 13-Year-Old with a Learning Disability in Attempt to Frame His Stepmother

Internal Documents with No Legal Power Used as Justification for Persecution of Falun Gong