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Connecting Our Predestined Relationship with Falun Dafa

July 24, 2023 |   By Xinchun, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) When I was very young, I cried a lot. My parents told me that I would wake from a nap crying. They would ask if I was hurting. Neither I nor my parents ever knew why I cried so much.

As I got a little older I came to think that life was boring, that every day was basically the same. I wondered why we are here and what is life for. What is the purpose of being in this world?

I also developed this feeling that there was more, that I was waiting for something. The ups and downs of life didn't help. I only felt lonely, always wondering what am I waiting for, where should I look, when will I know?

The Answer

Then one day, I overheard my friend talking with her neighbor, “After reading the book, my menstruation has returned, my vision improved and I can read without glasses, and I am energetic like a young person.”

I became curious and asked to read the book she was talking about. While I was reading Zhuan Falun, the main teaching of Falun Dafa, I started to cry. This is what I was looking for! I finally found it.

Even before I learned the exercises, my generalized pain was gone!

I started a new, full life. I understood the true value and meaning of life. I exercise and study Zhuan Falun daily. I also began memorizing the book, which I have done now ten times. Besides reading Zhuan Falun daily, I also read Master’s other articles daily. It greatly helps me to speak, act, and think in line with the Fa teachings.

Dafa has helped me to become a more cheerful and open-minded person. Others ask me, “You always seem happy and full of joy, do you ever get upset or frustrated?”

I told them I found my Master and I have Dafa. I am so fortunate, what else could I ask for? 

Sentient Beings Eager for Salvation

In addition to cultivating ourselves well, Dafa disciples also shoulder the mission of saving sentient beings. Through my interaction with people, I gained some experience in helping them understand the facts about Dafa and I help them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I once persuaded over 100 people to quit the CCP in one day. I’m often touched by the sincerity and gratitude people have after talking to me. And I’m inspired to introduce Dafa to more people so that they can benefit from it as well.

Everyone descended from the divine realm as human beings, waiting for Master’s salvation. They have waited for thousands of years for the spread of Falun Dafa and their salvation. They have gone through many ups and downs and tribulations in this cycle of reincarnation while waiting, and they have gone through so many hardships. They have finally waited for this day of salvation. How could they not be excited?

“I Finally Found You!”

One day, I saw a man who appeared to be in his 70s, wearing an angry expression, sitting under a tree. He refused to talk to me when I approached him. So I went to talk to other people. On my way home, I was surprised to see him again. I was even more surprised that he had been looking for me.

While waiting for the traffic light, he saw me and came over. “Oh, I finally found you! You wanted to tell me something earlier, what was it? Please tell me!” 

I told him about Dafa, why people need to quit the CCP and related organizations to secure one’s future. He listened attentively and seemed touched. He told me that he was a member of the CCP and asked me to help him quit. I thanked Master for giving me another chance to talk to him.

The One That Followed Me

One day in the market, a man began to follow me. I wondered whether he was a plain clothed officer. 

I thought, “It does not matter, he needs to know the facts.” So I turned around and greeted him. I told him about Dafa and why one should quit the CCP. He delightedly did the three withdrawals. He thanked me and left satisfied.

Salesman Wanted to Learn More about Dafa

While shopping one day, I used paper currency with information about Dafa printed on it. The salesman became interested and asked me to tell him more about Dafa.

I told him and his co-worker the basic facts. He told me that he was a Party member and his co-worker once joined the Youth League. I helped them both to quit the organizations using an alias. 

I also told them to sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and it will protect them in times of danger. They were very receptive to the information and thanked me for taking the time to talk to them.

Connecting to One’s Destiny

I met a middle-aged man. He listened to me. Several times while I was talking he would bend at his waist and lower his head. His eyes welled up with tears. I realized he was bowing to me.

I was touched. Then I saw the vision of a gray haired monk with a calm expression appear in the sky. The monk was wearing a light blue robe and holding japamala (prayer beads) in his hands. I thought he must have been a monk in a previous life.

After I helped him quit the CCP and related organizations, he wiped his eyes and said, “Thank you! Thank you!” I also teared up. 

Ailments Disappeared

I have an acquaintance whose diabetes had gotten out of control. He was on three medications and still struggling. I helped him quit the CCP and related organizations and told him to sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” so his health could improve. He said, “Okay I will, I trust you.”

When I met him again a week later, he was in good spirits. He delightedly told me, “My blood sugar came down. I keep reciting the auspicious phrases you told me. Falun Dafa is amazing. It works so much better than any of my medicine!”

My neighbor has hypertension. I also helped her to quit the CCP and told her to sincerely recite the auspicious phrases. When I saw her days later, she could hardly contain her happiness. “I did what you asked. My blood pressure is normal! It was never in the normal range even when I was taking medicine. It was hard to believe, so I went to the hospital to double-check and sure enough my blood pressure is normal. Dafa is truly amazing!”

During the COVID-19 outbreak, most people who support Dafa and have quit the CCP didn’t get infected. Now, when I meet them, I don't have to do the talking. It’s they who excitedly tell me how Dafa has brought blessings to them and how grateful they are for Dafa.