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Bucharest, Romania: Young People Express Hope That Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance can Restore the Goodness of Society

July 4, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Bucharest, Romania

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Bucharest organized an informational event at the entrance to Cișmigiu Park, opposite City Hall, on June 17, 2023. Several young people stopped by the practitioners’ information booth to learn about the practice, and also expressed their hope that it could restore morality to society.

Informational Falun Dafa event at the entrance to Cișmigiu Park, opposite City Hall.

The practitioners set up a booth where they clarified truth to passersby. They also talked about Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) and its persecution by the Chinese communist regime. To help people remember the message, they also distributed fliers and paper lotus flower amulets, with the practices’ principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance printed on them.

Damian: “Following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Truly Important to Me.”

Damian (right) and his friend show their support for Falun Dafa practitioners.

Damian, 18, is a student. When he learned about the values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance taught by Falun Dafa, he said, “I'm not too familiar with the practice itself, but of course these moral values seem to me a foundation not only for a balanced life with the person next to you, but also with your own self.”

Damian finds it hard for young people’s sense of moral righteousness to resist the temptations that they are systematically exposed to today. “We live in quite a strange world in that respect,” he said, “because we see the influence of big companies, such as Tik-Tok from China, and through the money they use to penetrate our lives from the micro level. Their intent is for us to spend our days captivated by our phones,” he said.

To Damian, Falun Dafa and its principles represent a path back to the way people should be.

“I think it’s important that we discover this truth about ourselves,” he said. I think that’s exactly the main problem with the consumption of products by big companies, which is that they make us not think about following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, or morality at all. However, following these ideas seems important to me.”

Diana: “Every Human Being Needs The Right to Morality.”

Diana (right) says everyone not only needs the right to life and to have an opinion, but also to practice morality.

Diana is 26 years old, and said she had already come across Falun Dafa. She had also heard about the persecution in China—including how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvests the organs of practitioners to sell for profit.

“I know that Falun Dafa is a movement persecuted in China through some absolutely inhuman means by the CCP,” she said. “Falun Gong practitioners should not be treated like animals in slaughterhouses, and I hope that one day this will change.”

She offered her support to the practitioners in China, and expressed admiration for their upholding moral values despite the CCP’s suppression.

“I would like everything to change, everything to be for the better”, she said. Every human being needs the right to life and to have an opinion, but especially to practice good morals, something we don’t really find these days.”