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Finding Support Among the Masses

July 7, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Spain

(Minghui.org) Whenever I talk about Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) and the ongoing persecution of this cultivation practice that is happening in China, there is pain and joy and moments that have touched me. I wish to share three experiences that touched my heart.

A Hug of Support

When I attended my first Falun Dafa truth-clarification activity, I met two young women from Great Britain. One of them had worked as an English teacher in China and was happy to see a Chinese face. She and her companion listened to me tell them about the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China.

When I spoke about the harvesting of vital organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, one of the women suddenly hugged me and said tearfully, “Oh, no. That’s so evil. Don’t be afraid. We support you Falun Gong practitioners. No one will hurt you here.” Her companion also looked upset and said the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong practitioners must be stopped.

That was the first time someone I’d just met had ever hugged and encouraged me, and I, too, was moved to tears. Everybody present was touched.

Signing a Petition to Support Dafa

I was moved once again at another truth-clarification event. I felt the difference between this event and the earlier ones from the very beginning. First, the crowd was bigger than usual, and people had come in groups. Second, almost everyone spoke or understood English. Third, most of them quickly understood the facts we told them and signed the petition to bring an end to the persecution. I was soon overwhelmed by the sheer number of people that stopped to talk.

A gentleman saw that I was really busy, so he went to sign the petition without speaking with me. After he signed, he faced me, put the palms of his hands together (Heshi), and left walking backwards.

Three East Indian boys who understood the facts about Falun Dafa signed the petition. They offered to help explain the truth about Dafa to their compatriots who were passing by and asked them to sign our petition.

After reading the flier, a gentleman said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is definitely important. The persecution is definitely wrong. What can I do to help?”

I started to talk to one lady, but before I could finish my sentence, she said, “Yes, I’ll sign, I must sign. I hope you can collect enough signatures soon to stop this evil persecution.”

I handed a gentleman who signed the petition a bookmark and suggested that he recite the phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” often. He said, “Not only should I recite them, everyone in the whole world should recite them.”

As I watched people sign the petition one by one, I was moved again and again.

A heavy rainstorm hit the area, and the event was shut down. Looking at the pouring rain, it occurred to me that the three East Indians who’d wanted to learn the five Falun Dafa exercises were passengers from a cruise ship and were here to sightsee.

Tears came to my eyes because I was moved by Master Li’s immense compassion. It was our great benevolent Master who guided them to come here and listen to the truth just before the rain, even though they were on vacation.

Restaurant Employee Helps Collect Signatures

On another occasion, I arrived early at a Falun Dafa event. Not many people were there yet, so I went to a restaurant across the street. I gave a booklet to the two staff members at the front desk, talked about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China, and asked them to come over and sign our petition at the table, as I had forgotten to bring the sheet with me. They said they would.

Later on, when I greeted a man and offered him a Falun Dafa brochure, he smiled, pointed at the restaurant and then at the table with the petition. It turned out he worked at the restaurant and had come over to sign the petition.

As more and more people passed by, the man started handing out menus at the restaurant. He and I were handing out our respective materials to the same people or groups of people, one after the other. I noticed he often looked in my direction and shook his head when people did not accept my brochure or did not want to sign the petition.

Speaking in Spanish and using hand gestures, he said that, after handing people the brochure, I should first direct them to look at the Falun Dafa exercise demonstration banner and then say “Falun Dafa is good” in Spanish. After that I should point to the banner about the CCP using Falun Dafa practitioners for live organ harvesting.

He taught me to say “persecution” and “Please sign a petition” in Spanish, while pointing at the petition table. He also taught me simple Spanish phrases and had me repeat them several times to make sure I could say them. He seemed quite anxious when people did not understand the facts about Falun Dafa or didn’t sign the petition.

I did as he suggested, and it worked. However, some people still wanted to leave as soon as they took a brochure and were not willing to listen or sign the petition. The man would talk about the persecution to those people in Spanish and encourage them to sign the petition. Most of them did go to the petition table and sign.

Few practitioners were there that day, and I was swamped at times, talking with people and asking them to sign the petition. At such times, the man would step in, talk to people, and ask them to sign.

Every time I heard him say, “Please sign the petition to stop the persecution,” I couldn’t help but give him a thumbs up, and he gave me one back. When the crowd thinned out later on, he asked the restaurant employees to come in groups to sign the petition.

That evening, I learned from the coordinator that, although fewer practitioners attended the event, more people signed the petition than ever before.

The coordinator told me that the man who’d helped at our event that day was from Morocco, and he told the coordinator that he had learned from past experience that the more good deeds he did, the more good things would happen to him. He said he really agreed with the principles Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and detested the CCP for persecuting good people.

Whenever I think of these experiences, my heart is filled with happiness and I am moved by people’s kindness and their support and participation in Dafa practitioners’ truth-clarification and signature collection activities.

The coordinator exclaimed, “Those people are so wonderful.” Yes, they are, especially those who understand the goodness of Falun Dafa. Their lives have become even more beautiful because of Master’s infinite compassion for all sentient beings.