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California: Falun Dafa's Principles Praised During the Fremont Festival of the Arts

Aug. 12, 2023 |   By Wang Yingmei, a Minghui correspondent in California

(Minghui.org) “I feel totally refreshed now,” Chris said happily after he did the Falun Dafa exercises. He noticed the Falun Dafa booth and talked with practitioners during the annual Fremont Festival of the Arts held August 5 – 6, 2023. After learning that practicing Falun Dafa can help relieve stress and relax one’s mind and body, many people were interested in learning more about the practice.

Chris (left) learns the Falun Dafa exercises

“I heard about Falun Dafa before but I never tried it out.” Chris said, “After practicing the exercises, I feel that Falun Dafa is different from anything I'd tried before. I feel very good. I like Falun Dafa's principles and think following them can improve my relationships with my colleagues. I think Falun Dafa is amazing!”

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises during the annual Fremont Festival of the Arts August 5–6, 2023

Practitioners show people the exercises

Falun Dafa practitioners clarifying the truth

This Is What I Have Been Searching For

Purav Whadd said that he was searching for a practice that can guide him to cultivate to higher levels

Purav Whadd said he often sees Falun Dafa practitioners doing the exercises at Lake Elizabeth in Fremont Central Park. He said that he's been very curious about Falun Dafa, “I know about yoga, but I do not know much about Falun Dafa. I'm interested in learning more. I want to learn and practice Falun Dafa so that I can relax.”

When he learned that practicing Falun Dafa can not only help one attain a healthy body, it can also guide one to cultivate to higher levels, he said, “This is what I have been searching for.” He signed up for the free Falun Dafa class.

Roseli was very happy to see the Falun Dafa booth. She said that she did the exercises during the festival last year, “I know that practicing Falun Dafa can bring people tranquility, relax one’s body and fill one with energy. When I was here last year, a lady taught me the exercises. After I did them I felt wonderful.”

Sudxel Pramada (right) said that Falun Dafa is a very good practice

Computer engineer Sudxel Pramada said that he's seen practitioners do the exercises at Fremont Central Park, and he knows that Falun Dafa is very good, “It's great that the exercises are taught for free. You all are doing very well. I have watched many videos about Falun Dafa on the Internet, so I do have some understanding about it. I'd like to practice but I'm very busy.”

When he learned that the exercises are simple and easy to learn, and one can practice them whenever one has time and they help to relieve stress and anxiety, he immediately registered for the Falun Dafa class.

Leela Kolipla is interested in Falun Dafa

There are many computer engineers in the Bay Area who sit in front of computers every day, making them feel tired both physically and mentally. Leela Kolipla is one of them. She said that the stress from her job is great and she's looking for a method to help her relax. “I'm interested in Tai Chi,” she said.

However, when she learned that Falun Dafa is not Tai Chi, but a practice that cultivates both the mind and body, and doing the exercises can help her relax and can even elevate a person’s spiritual realm, she said, “That is great. I need this. I'd like to attain a tranquil mind.” She said that she plans to register for the online class.

The CCP Is Too Evil

Kris condemned the CCP for harvesting organs from Falun Dafa practitioners while they are still alive.

“I know that Falun Dafa is beneficial to one’s mind and body. The CCP persecutes practitioners just because they practice Falun Dafa. This is very wrong. I object to this persecution,” Kris said.

After learning about the CCP’s violent act of live organ harvesting, he was very angry, “I know that the CCP is very bad, but the violent act of live organ harvesting is too evil. Furthermore, they did all this in a secretive manner such that people do not see news that are related to this matter in the media.”

Cherish Every Chance to Tell People About Falun Dafa

Ms. Yang distributes information about Falun Dafa

Ms. Yang, a Falun Dafa practitioner in the Bay Area, said she cherishes every chance to tell people about Falun Dafa. She has been telling people about her amazing experiences after she began practicing Falun Dafa. She hopes to let people know that Falun Dafa is good.

“When I clarify the truth to people from China, I tell them that Falun Dafa is a cultivation practice that is rooted in Buddhist tradition. It also helps one attain a healthy body. I am one of those people whose illnesses were resolved after I began practicing Falun Dafa.”

After listening to her, some Chinese people accepted the truth-clarifying materials and said that they will share them with their friends. Others say that they are interested in practicing. “I tell them that they can find all of this information online, including the video that teaches the exercises,” Ms. Yang said.