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Moscow, Russia: People Praise Falun Dafa at India Day Festival

Aug. 26, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Russia

(Minghui.org) Practitioners participated in the eighth India Day festival in Moscow from August 10 to 13 and introduced Falun Dafa. They also told people about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution and called on them to help stop the brutality.

This is the second year that the colorful festival was held. Many people came to the Dream Islands theme park in southern Moscow to celebrate India Day and could choose from a variety of activities across 20 different themed areas, including performances by over 200 dancers, an Indian bazaar, a chess tournament, Ayurveda classes, and more. One of the main areas of the festival was a space for relaxation, yoga, and meditation—an important aspect of Indian culture.

The practitioners had a tent where they taught visitors how to perform the five exercises. They also held a workshop and showed people how to make origami lotus flowers, which is the national flower of India. During both activities, they introduced the three spiritual principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and the importance of living in accordance with these values.

Many festival attendees joined the practitioners in doing the exercises, and expressed their excitement at experiencing the energy and tranquility they found within Falun Dafa.

The practitioners were presented with a certificate from the festival organizers for their participation in the India Day celebrations.

Practitioners teach attendees the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises.

The event organizer issues a certificate to Falun Dafa practitioners for their participation and contribution to the India Day festival.

Falun Dafa Is Powerful

Elena practices yoga. She was introduced to Falun Dafa at the International Yoga Day, which took place on July 2 in Moscow, and was happy to see the practitioners again at the India Day Festival. She joined the practitioners in doing the exercises, and said that she was “delighted” and was able to “find harmony” and “positive emotions” in the practice.

“When I joined you to do the exercises, I felt such a powerful energy,” said Elena. “What a powerful practice you have. I went around all the tents today; nothing can compare to it. I want to do your practice!”

Musician Finds Invaluable Practice

Tatiana, a musician and writer, stopped by the Falun Dafa booth to try out the exercises. She told the practitioners that she's lately been investigating the connection between the body and mind, and was trying to achieve mental balance through physical practices. Falun Dafa, for her, was “very calming.”

“I am very glad that there are practices like yours,” she said. “I can achieve an inner balance. In our crazy times, this is just invaluable.”

She also marveled at the power of Falun Dafa to clear her mind—something that was very hard for her to achieve. “There is an opportunity to immerse into yourself, to stop fussing, to find in yourself a support and this pivot for inner development,” she said. “Doing the Falun Dafa exercises, I see that this mechanism is working. I recommend doing the Falun Dafa exercises."

A Yoga Teacher’s Lucky Encounter

Ludmila teaches yoga. This was the first time she heard about Falun Dafa and she said she felt was meant to be at the Falun Dafa booth.

“In the morning I said, ‘Universe, please, bring me to the right place!’ I immediately was drawn to your tent and learned the Falun Dafa exercises,” said Ludmila.

Unlike other meditation practices, Falun Dafa does not require practitioners to follow certain breathing patterns. Ludmila found this impressive, and she also liked the state of consciousness that the meditation put her in. She thanked the practitioners and said, “I will definitely learn the Falun Dafa exercises online.”

People Appreciate Falun Dafa

A practitioner shows people how to fold origami flowers and introduces Falun Dafa.

Many people attended the workshop and learned to make origami lotus flowers, and said that they felt positive energy, kindness, and relaxation while with the practitioners. Some attendees said that they planned to see the dances or other festival events, but ended up spending extra time at the lotus flower class due to the pleasant and warm environment.

Olga, one of the workshop attendees, left a note in the guestbook thanking the practitioners for putting on the event.

“I heartily thank the organizers for holding the workshop, as well as for the philosophical and moral talk [about Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance,]” she wrote. “I wish harmony, enlightenment, and prosperity to the organizers, and we express our gratitude from our whole family.”