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Overcoming a Sickness Test by Believing in Master and Dafa

Aug. 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the San Francisco Bay Area

(Minghui.org) I am a martial arts instructor. September 25, 2008 is a day I will never forget because it’s the day I started practicing Falun Dafa.

Time flies like an arrow. By 2013 I had practiced for five years, and Falun Dafa’s teachings had cleansed my body and mind. I felt reborn, and my life was truly elevated. I had a clear understanding of the true meaning of human life, and I deeply felt the ultimate meaning of returning to one’s true self.

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach in mid-July 2013. I couldn’t eat, and vomited when I did. I didn’t take it seriously at first, thinking that I would be fine in a few days. However, not only did I not get better, the situation became worse. No matter what I ate or drank, I vomited. I gradually lost weight.

I was physically weak but my mind was clear. I realized deeply that this was test of sickness karma. The first thing I did was to take the Fa’s teaching as my guide, compare myself with the Fa, and look within to find the root cause. I felt that first, I was eliminating karma, and second, it was the old forces’ interference. I felt that whatever the cause, my “sickness” could be eliminated by doing the three things well.

I recalled what Master taught. I understood that the path of cultivation for an ordinary person to become supernormal is complicated, and there is no smooth sailing. Only by enduring all kinds of tribulations and passing numerous tests can one eliminate attachments.

Time passed and it was the middle of August. My body continued to deteriorate. I went from weighing 150 pounds to 120 pounds within 30 days, and I had no energy. I could no longer do the standing exercises and I could only meditate. I was in pain all night. I clenched my fists and rolled back and forth. It felt as if my life was about to end.

Although my wife also practices she could not bear to see me suffer, and urged me to go to the hospital or take medication. I immediately replied, “I don’t belong there.”

I kept remembering the Fa that Master taught and I realized that a true cultivator has no sickness. I was full of confidence, seeing everything as an illusion and eliminating it with positive thoughts. I understand very clearly that hospitals and medicines, which are consumed by ordinary people, do not work for real cultivators, and no matter how good the medicines are, aren’t they all substances made up of molecules in this dimension?

Cultivators have high-energy substances in other dimensions in the universe. How can human-made drugs compare with these high-energy substances? Master very clearly explained the causes of illnesses. I understand what Master said and I firmly believe that every tribulation can be overcome.

When I calmed down and looked at myself in the mirror I saw that I did not look like a sick person. The “sickness” was not real. I kept sending righteous thoughts. If it is the old forces interfering, I deny it and eliminate it. Master does not recognize the old forces’ interference, and neither do I. If it is the test of sickness karma, I will overcome it. Although I was in extreme pain I firmly believe in Dafa.

By September, although I kept overcoming the interference using righteous thoughts, I had not completely eliminated it.

A few times I suddenly had pain that was literally killing me when I was in my martial arts studio. I was concerned that my students would see it. I grit my teeth and pretended to be fine. I sometimes told the students that I had something to do, and asked them to practice on their own for a while.

I went to the office and closed the door. When the pain was truly unbearable I lay on the floor, and clenched my teeth and fists. I begged Master for help and recited “On Dafa.” I remembered what Master said,

“My roots are planted in this universe, and so someone would have to be able to harm me in order to harm you, which means that they would have to have the power to harm this universe.” (The First Talk, Zhuan Falun)

I kept asking myself, “Are you a Dafa disciple?” Every time, I said decisively, “I am a real Dafa disciple! Although I have not done the three things well, nothing can shake my firm determination to help Master in Fa-rectification to save sentient beings.”

Each time I remembered the Fa taught by Master, I was filled with confidence and knew I could overcome the sickness karma. In this way, with firm, righteous thoughts and following the standard of a true Dafa disciple, I overcame one attack after another, passed one test after another, and the miracle of Dafa was absolutely manifested in me.

When I was going through this tribulation the other practitioners were collecting signatures on a petition. Although my body was in such a bad state, I still went out with them. I brought a little food. I couldn’t eat much, lest I vomit. I also had to rest frequently.

Even though my body was in bad shape I was still able to go out and collect signatures. My righteous thoughts and belief in Master helped me accomplish what Dafa disciples should do.

After about 50 days, with Master’s help, the sickness karma was overcome. I was gradually able to eat. I even began to gain weight. For some reason, whether it was because the old forces were not convinced, or the sickness karma hadn’t been completely eliminated, there was a sudden hiccup. One day, my legs were covered in red circles. They were all different sizes, and they itched.

I thought, “I have been severely tortured multiple times. This itch is nothing.” They disappeared after a week. My body has since gradually recovered. A year later, I was back to my original weight.

Looking back over those 50 days, each passing day felt like years. Afterwards, I kept thinking what the outcome would have been if I had gone to the hospital? Without a doubt, the result would have been negative and shocking, and there would have been a huge price to pay. I would have spent a lot of money on hospital bills, and I might have even died.

I miraculously recovered by firmly believing in Dafa.

Through this experience I deeply realized that Falun Dafa is miraculous, extraordinary, and powerful. If one has not personally experienced sickness karma, one may not realize how amazing Dafa is.

I would also like to remind my fellow practitioners that in the journey of cultivation, if one encounters sickness karma, he or she should have unswerving faith in Master and the Fa, have strong righteous thoughts, and eliminate all doubts. If one has any doubts, they will conform to the ideas of the old forces, and the negative results will definitely be astonishing. Only by maintaining righteous thoughts will there be positive results, and only then will one be able to truly overcome sickness karma.

I found that some practitioners, when going through sickness karma tests, tend to first look at it like an ordinary person would. Although we understand Master’s teaching of the Fa, the practitioner still treats it like an ordinary person’s illness. How could Dafa’s amazing power manifest in their bodies?

Master quoted the ancient saying:

“Having heard the Dao in the morning, one can die in the evening.” (“Melt Into the Fa,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

We have the Fa and Master is guiding us—what should we be afraid of? We must believe in Master and believe in the Fa, especially when faced with a serious sickness karma test, if you doubt Dafa, it will be very difficult to break through, and the results may be tragic. Cultivation and righteous faith cannot be enforced. It all depends on the righteous thoughts of the practitioner, and their heart and determination.

Only by firmly believing in Dafa can one overcome all sickness karma and interference, and only by firmly believing in Dafa can one’s life be exceptional and great.