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Paris, France: Falun Dafa Practitioners from Across Europe Hold Group Practice and Reflect on Their Experiences

Aug. 30, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondents in Paris

(Minghui.org) Practitioners from over 30 European countries did the Falun Dafa exercises as a group at the famous Place de la République in Paris, France on August 26, 2023. 

Practitioners did the exercises at Place de la République in Paris, France on August 26, 2023

Kuki from Romania has practiced Falun Dafa for 20 years.

Kuki from Romania said, “During the 20 years I practiced, I have benefited a lot and my life has become better. Before practicing, I was afflicted by several diseases. For example: I had a serious eye disease, and the doctor said that I would lose my sight in two years. However, after 25 years, my eyesight is very good. This is one example of the benefits I have gained from practicing Falun Dafa.”

Kuki said that he went to the Place de la République in Paris to demonstrate the exercises to introduce Falun Dafa to the world, and to tell people about the cruel persecution of such a good practice by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in China.

Swedish Practitioner Remembers to Look Inward

Vironika from Sweden started practicing Falun Dafa in early 1999. She said, “I am the only practitioner who has practiced Dafa for such a long time in the area where I live. Now many new practitioners have taken up Dafa.”

She said that she benefited a lot. “I remind myself to behave in accordance with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. For example, if I have conflicts with others, I always look inward first to see whether there is something wrong and how I should improve myself, instead of judging others. Before I practiced, I always divided people into those I liked and those I did not like. So I often had conflicts. Now I have a completely different mindset.”

Vironika said that she was busy with work this summer, but she still managed to go to Paris to participate in the activities. She said, “Falun Dafa has been persecuted in China for 24 years, I feel that I must come here to support the group activity.”

German Practitioner: Practicing Falun Dafa is What I Should Do

Michael from Germany has practiced Falun Dafa since he was a child. 

Michael from Germany participated in the group practice in Paris with his parents.

Michael said, “I have been practicing Falun Dafa since I was born, because my parents are Falun Dafa practitioners. After I grew up, I was drawn and confused by many dazzling things in society for a while. I stopped practicing. But when I really understood the current social situation, I felt that practicing Falun Dafa was the most important thing I should do, and I resumed practicing.”

He said that he felt very honored to push a large model of Falun Dafa’s main book Zhuan Falun in the parade with another practitioner.

Daughter Wants to Practice After Witnessing Her Mother’s Pain Disappear

Anne and her father accompanied her mother to the Place de la République to participate in the rally and march. Anne said that her mother has practiced Falun Dafa in Vietnam for more than a year. “Since my mother practiced Falun Dafa, all her ailments disappeared. She was not in good health before. Her kneecap hurt so much that she couldn’t walk normally. After over a year of practicing Dafa, she walks normally and freely. She is healthy and happy.”

Anne and her father at the Place de la République

Seeing the changes in her mother, Anne said that she would also learn to practice Falun Dafa. She supported her mother’s practice very much.

Doctor Impressed by the Principles

Dr. Remy is a laboratory researcher in neuromedicine and works in a French company. When he passed the Place de la République, he was deeply impressed by the scene of so many practitioners meditating together. He said, “The Falun Dafa exercises look beautiful.” 

Regarding the cultivation principles of Falun Dafa, he said, “The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are only three words. They seem simple, but are very important.”