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Additional Persecution News from China – August 19, 2023 (9 Reports)

Aug. 30, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today’s news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 9 cities or counties in 6 provinces, where at least 20 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Xining City, Qinghai Province] Five Practitioners Arrested
2. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Tong Shurong Tried in Court
3. [Changli County, Hebei Province] The Case Against Seven Practitioners Submitted to the Procuratorate
4. [Zhucheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Xianhua Arrested
5. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Xiuzhi Arrested and Detained
6. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Meilan Arrested
7. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wu Guixiang Arrested
8. [Xingtai City, Hebei Province] The Case Against Ms. Hu Hui Submitted to the Procuratorate
9. [Daxinganling City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Xu Xueli Arrested and Detained

1. [Xining City, Qinghai Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

Practitioners in four districts were arrested on May 9, 2023. Two practitioners from Chengbei District who were arrested are, Ms. Zheng Xiaohua, 56, and a female practitioner, 87. Two from Chengzhong District are Mr. Li Xiuping, in his 70s, and Ms. Lei who is a non-practitioner. The other two are Ms. Rong Xianglian from Chengxi District, in her 80s, and Ms. Zhang Xiulan from Chengdong District, in her 70s.

The police ransacked Ms. Zheng Xiaohua’s home in Chengbei District on the afternoon of May 9, 2023. They confiscated a computer, a printer, two laptops, cell phone, Falun Gong books, truth clarifying materials, and more than 20,000 yuan in cash. Ms. Zheng is detained in the Xining City Detention Center and the other four practitioners were released on May 10, 2023.

2. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Tong Shurong Tried in the Court

Ms. Tong Shurong was tried in the Ganjinzi District Court on the morning of August 9, 2023. The presiding judge interrupted Ms. Tong’s defenders several times during trial. The hearing ended without a verdict.

3. [Changli County, Hebei Province] The Case Against Seven Practitioners Submitted to the Procuratorate

Seven practitioners were arrested on August 16, 2022 for talking to people about Falun Gong in Anshan Town. They are Mr. Wang Qinghua, Ms. Wang Ying, Ms. Shen Yanru, Mr. Chen Dong, Ms. Bai Hanzhi, Ms. Xian Xiaowen, and Ms. Li Jinhua. They were detained for 30 days and then released on bail pending trial. 

Now their cases have been submitted to the Funing District Procuratorate in Qinhuangdao City. Ms. Wang from Shijiatuo Village was arrested at her workplace and Mr. Wang Qinghua was arrested at his home on August 17, 2023. They were taken to the procuratorate to sign some documents before they were released. Ms. Shen Yanru left her home to avoid further persecution. Ms. Li Jinhua was taken to the procuratorate by her son.

4. [Zhucheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Xianhua Arrested

Ms. Wang Xianhua, in her 70s, was arrested at her rented apartment in Nansanlizhuang on August 12, 2023.

5. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Xiuzhi Arrested and Detained

Six people including Yang Fan, head of the Huquan Town Police Station in Guangling County of Datong City, officers from the Nuanquan Town Police Station of Wei County of Zhangjiakou City, and the village officials from the Xinmengzhuang Village, went to Ms. Wang Xiuzhi’s home on August 14, 2023. They ransacked Ms. Wang’s home and took her to the No. 2 Detention House of Datong City.

6. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Meilan Arrested

Ms. Liu Meilan was arrested at her home by officers from Jiang’an District on August 18, 2023.

7. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wu Guixiang Arrested

Ms. Wu Guixiang from Dongjingling Subdistrict of Wensheng District was arrested at home on the morning of August 11, 2023. Her home was ransacked. Many personal belongings including cash and bank cards were confiscated.

8. [Xingtai City, Hebei Province] The Case Against Ms. Hu Hui Submitted to the Procuratorate

Ms. Hu Hui from Xingtai City was arrested by officers in Nangong City. Her case was submitted the procuratorate on August 16, 2023.

9. [Daxinganling City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Xu Xueli Arrested and Detained

Ms. Xu Xueli, 41, was arrested on July 27, 2023. The police ransacked her home and confiscated her Falun Gong books, computer and printer. Ms. Xu is currently held in a detention center.