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Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone and Clarifying the Facts to People Face to Face

Aug. 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was born shy and introverted and was very poor at talking. I felt awkward with people and did not know what to say even with those I knew.

Being a Falun Dafa practitioner, I had always been troubled by the fact that my reticent personality made it very challenging for me to clarify the facts in person.

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, large numbers of people died from the infection every day. Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, told Dafa practitioners to clarify the facts to people to save them. Through reading Master’s teachings and fellow practitioners’ experience sharing articles, I finally eliminated the fear from within and began to step out to talk to people.

Here, I would like to share how I cleared away the interferences and helped people to understand the truth and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

Breaking Through Personality Barriers and Clarifying the Truth in Person

Before leaving my house every day, I asked Master to help bring the predestined people to me while sending forth righteous thoughts to clean up all the evil factors that interfered with the salvation of sentient beings in the field wherever I went.

I clarified the truth to a handful of people the first day I stepped out, but none of them agreed to quit the CCP. I was disappointed—fellow practitioners were able to persuade dozens of people to quit each day; the gap between me and fellow practitioners was very large.

On my way home, I saw a woman picking wild vegetables on the roadside. I hesitated at first but finally picked up my courage to go talk to her. To my surprise, she agreed to quit the CCP. I would have missed her had I just walked away. I knew that Master must have brought her to me to encourage me.

Learning from Fellow Practitioners

After I got home that day, I pondered on the reason why those people that I talked to did not quit—it was true that I had a shy personality, but there must be problems with my way of approaching people.

I asked a fellow practitioner for help, and she printed some articles about how fellow practitioners clarified the truth face-to-face. After reading these articles over and over again, I learned some strategies on how to initiate a conversation, answer questions, and handle challenging situations. I also memorized some of the content from the materials which we handed out to people.

One day at a market, I went up to a person walking alone and told her about the persecution. I wanted to tell her the information that I had memorized, but not all of it seemed to be relevant to her. After talking to five people like that, only one person agreed to quit that day.

I realized that it would be helpful if I were to watch a fellow practitioner in action. With Master’s help, I was introduced to a group of elderly fellow practitioners who went out every day to clarify the truth. They were delighted to have me join them and were ready to help.

I often followed one practitioner in her 70s. She was very kind and had absolutely no fear when clarifying the truth to people. She approached people differently based on their unique circumstances and was always very patient and friendly. People often agreed to quit the CCP shortly after hearing the information she told them.

We went to wherever there were crowds of people—big supermarkets, shopping malls, and large farmers' markets. I sent forth righteous thoughts while listening to fellow practitioners exposing the persecution and persuading people to quit the CCP. After a while, I felt that I should be ready, but when I saw people coming, fear still dumbfounded me, and I was at a loss as to what to say.

Doing It the Way That Suited Me

While riding the bus home one day, I saw people walking on the street in all directions, some in groups and some alone. I regretted taking the bus since I could have talked to those who were alone. With that, I decided to walk home from then on.

I began to walk home and talked to whoever I met on the way. On the first day, I helped three people quit the CCP. After that, I was able to persuade two to three, and sometimes more people every day to quit the CCP.

I had a dream one day. In the dream, three fellow practitioners and I rode a bicycle side by side. Suddenly we all clustered together and fell down. At that instant, I blurted out, “It’s fine to separate!” Waking up, I realized that Master must have just given me a hint that it was time for me to clarify the truth independently. Master arranged for me to learn from fellow practitioners, but now it was time for me to walk the path that suited me to validate the Fa and save people.

After that, I read Master’s teachings every morning and went out to clarify the truth to people after sending forth righteous thoughts at noon. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate and disintegrate all the evil factors—dark demons, rotten ghosts, and the CCP evil spirits in all time spaces that hindered sentient beings from understanding the truth and being saved.

Sentient Beings Are Waiting to Learn the Truth

One day I met an older lady and told her to sincerely recite the nine-character mantra “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” to keep her safe. She told me that she had heard about it before but had been saying it incorrectly. She asked me to say the nine-word mantra to her again and repeated every single word after me very carefully while counting the number of words to make sure she said it right this time.

When I was just about to leave, she asked, “Don’t you have anything to give me?” I took out a set of the materials and told her while handing it to her, “Please cherish the materials and pass them on to your relatives and friends when you’ve read it so that everyone can benefit.” She took the materials and left gratefully with a big smile on her face.

People Can’t Wait to See the CCP Fall

I often clarified the truth at a bus stop. One day a person walked up to me and asked impatiently, “You all said that the CCP would fall, but it’s been so many years, how come it hasn’t fallen yet? The CCP is evil, and my friends and I all want it to collapse now!”

He talked so loudly that people around us could all hear him. I asked myself, “Even ordinary people dare to say this so loudly, what am I afraid of?” So I replied, “Don’t worry, the CCP has been persecuting kind-hearted people since it usurped the control of China, and it will pay for its own vicious deeds as the Law of Heaven punishes evil and rewards good!”

Then I gave him a set of materials about Falun Dafa and the persecution. He thanked me for the materials, and then caught the bus and left.

Looking at the joy of those who understood the truth, I was grateful for Master’s boundless mercy to sentient beings.

Following the Path Arranged by Master

During the process of clarifying the truth, fear sometimes recurred in me, but I rejected it right away by reciting Master’s poem,

“Should you have fear,it will seize upon youIf thoughts are righteous,evil will collapseThe cultivator’s mindis loaded with FaSend righteous thoughts,and rotten demons explodeGods walk the earth,validating the Fa” (“What’s to Fear,” Hong Yin II)

Sometimes people said nasty things but I was not irritated. I measured myself with the Fa and corrected my omissions with Dafa teachings. I completely denied the arrangements by the old forces, and only followed the cultivation path that Master arranged for me to validate the Fa and save sentient beings.

Through studying the Fa, looking inward, and with Master’s compassionate blessing and encouragement, I was able to break through my own obstacles and transformed from being introverted and timid with no confidence in myself to someone who exposes and clarifies the truth to people face-to-face every day. I overcame my fear and found my own way to assist Master in saving sentient beings. Without Master’s compassionate protection and guidance, I would not have achieved this remarkable breakthrough in my cultivation.

Master carefully arranged everything for me and watched me walk on my path every step of the way. My own experience tells me that as long as we have the desire to save people, Master will arrange everything for us to make it happen. We just need to trust and follow Master!

I hope my experience is helpful to fellow practitioners who are in a similar situation as I was. Thank you Master for your salvation! Thank you fellow practitioners for your help!