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An Excellent Doctor Who Is Considerate of Others

Sept. 1, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am an internal medicine doctor, and I first heard about Falun Dafa in 1993. After ten years of indecisiveness, I finally committed myself to practicing Dafa. The following are examples of how Falun Dafa influenced my work, resulting in benefits to both me and my patients.

Turning Down Kickbacks

My salary was so low after I became a resident doctor that I could not even afford to buy a pager. It was the norm for patients to bribe the medical staff by treating them to dinner. Drug company representatives also secretly provided rebates on drug costs to hospitals. This money was largely distributed among the hospital department directors, and only a small percentage of it was distributed to resident doctors. Whenever I joined my colleagues for dinners (paid for by our patients), we would complain about our greedy department head. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I realized how wrong my behavior was.

The decline in society’s moral values has also affected doctors. Most have lost their sense of compassion. Instead, they over prescribe medication so as to enjoy kickbacks from drug companies. Some even help harvest human organs for profit.

Faced with these temptations, I usually remind myself, “Would Master Li [the founder of Falun Dafa] agree?” If the answer is “No,” I stop myself. I also often ask myself, “If this was my family member, what would I do?” 

Master increased my wisdom. As my skills increased, so did the number of my patients. Some said, “Her diagnosis is accurate,” or, “She sincerely cares about her patients.” Others said, “If she can’t treat the condition herself, she consults another doctor who can.” My patients often praised my work ethic. 

I made sure that my patients heard about Falun Dafa. Some said, “After consulting many other doctors, I think you are the best. You are the only one who really cares for your patients. But I hear you practice Falun Dafa.” I laughed and replied, “Yes. It is because I practice Falun Dafa that I am fully invested in taking care of my patients. Our Master tells us that practitioners must be selfless.”

Not Competing at Work

In most hospitals the emergency department is considered the worst post. It's usually staffed by those whose skills are poor or who have fallen out of favor with the hospital leaders. Besides having to work three different shifts, their salaries and bonuses are the lowest. 

I was categorized as having “good medical skills and is popular with patients,” so I was never assigned to the emergency department. But because I refused to accept bribes and often clarified the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa to my patients and their families, my department head assigned me to the emergency department with the excuse, “Our hospital’s outpatient services require your skills.” 

Despite the increased workload and loss of income, I harbored no resentment and strove to be a good person and fulfill my responsibilities. Patients continued looking for me. They asked which shift I worked and only came when I was on duty. I continued to clarify the truth to my patients. After work, I went out with other practitioners and talked about Dafa and the persecution to other people.

One month after I was assigned to the emergency department, our inpatient department started fraudulently concocting cases in order to collect medical insurance payments. Patients with these medical insurance cards did not need to spend a cent in order to obtain kickbacks. The department director and head nurse pocketed large amounts of this ill-gotten gain. 

I was grateful to Master for taking me out of this situation, which prevented me from building up even more karma. The culprits were eventually caught, heavily fined by the medical insurance center, and almost fired. Eventually, those involved were allowed to stay on, but were demoted.

I was later appointed Director of the Emergency Department, then I was appointed Director of the Outpatient Department. Because practicing Falun Dafa gave me a cheerful and happy disposition, the Outpatient Department became a bright spot in our hospital. 

Promoted to Senior Deputy Position Without Bribery

I was due to be promoted to senior deputy. In 2005, the only criteria I had to meet was to pass an English language test and publish a certain number of papers. However, there was also an unspoken custom of giving gifts to the assessors and human resources department head, in order to secure the promotion. I was able to meet the first two criteria but could not fulfill the third, as this went against Falun Dafa’s teachings. I left the outcome in Master’s hands and I was promoted.

Overlooking Personal Grievances

My personal affairs were in a bad state when I was first assigned to the Emergency Department. My husband cheated on me and then divorced me. My mother had fallen seriously ill and her condition was misdiagnosed. My son suffered a high fever for nine days and began having seizures. As my ex-husband was among a number of doctors who went to another hospital, the leaders blamed me for the recent exodus of experienced doctors and asked me to take a leave from work without pay. Truly a case of “...a hundred hardships falling all at once...” (“Tempering One’s Heart and Will,” Hong Yin). As a Falun Dafa practitioner, I took this in stride and viewed it as a tribulation on my cultivation path.

I held no grudge against the hospital leaders and focused my efforts on clarifying the truth to my colleagues. When I first began practicing Falun Dafa, the hospital director and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary did not understand Dafa and were scared. They reported me to the 610 Office and sent the corporate director to talk to me. Their plan backfired. Instead of convincing me to give up the practice, our corporate director became convinced that practicing Falun Dafa truly made one become a better person. My case was further bolstered by the two fellow practitioners who worked with me. 

Before the 2008 Olympic Games, the hospital director and secretary came looking for me. The CCP was strenghthening its suppression of Falun Dafa in the run-up to the Olympics. Despite the shortage of experienced physicians, they asked me to take a break from work to brush up my knowledge in the library or enjoy a period of rest from home. In response, I explained to them the goodness of Dafa and why their actions were considered aiding in the persecution of practitioners. I also explained the repercussions of aiding the CCP. Later at a hospital meeting, the hospital director explained to the mid-level leaders that cultivation was my personal choice and that he recognized my abilities as a capable doctor with a strong sense of professionalism. Although the hospital director chose to support me, the CCP secretary was not convinced.

With the help of two other Falun Dafa practitioners who worked in the hospital, we managed to change the director’s mind. Instead of persecuting us, he began to protect us. Later, when he was reported and sentenced for accepting bribes, the authorities slapped him with a very light sentence, and a reminder to take the right path in the future.

After the hospital director retired, the CCP secretary became the acting director. He told our District Political and Legal Affairs Committee to cooperate with the police and neighborhood committee and threatened me, trying to get me to give up Falun Dafa. They waited for me in the hospital affairs department one day, yet my never-ending stream of patients meant I could not extricate myself. I realized that Master was giving me sufficient preparation time so I could save them. At the end of my shift, I kindly explained to them the goodness of Dafa. In the end, nearly everyone accepted the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution and said I was very knowledgeable.

To interfere with my truth-clarification work, the CCP secretary took it upon himself to personally monitor my movements, hunting me down whenever he saw me leave my department. 

I began to clarify the truth to my staff. The other practitioners and I did our best to save him. As the secretary did not come from a medical background, we helped him out in his work. He finally became convinced of Falun Dafa’s goodness and started protecting practitioners. He was able to retire a year earlier than he’d planned. Although so far he has refused to quit the CCP, I remain hopeful that he will eventually withdraw his membership.