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Sweden: Falun Dafa Is the “Most Beautiful Scenery” in the Celebration of Gothenburg

Sept. 13, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sweden

(Minghui.org) After three years’ preparation, the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city of Gothenburg was held from September 1-3, 2023, along with this year’s cultural festival. Falun Dafa practitioners participated in this large-scale event, and their practice area was said to be “the most beautiful scenery.”

This three-day celebration included parades, the Gothenburg Marathon, island parties and other activities, with fireworks and colorful flags enhancing the atmosphere. Artists from many countries sang and danced in various squares and main streets, and stalls sold delicacies and snacks from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, making the celebrations more lively.

Gothenburg is located on the west coast of Sweden and is surrounded by a group of islands. It is the second largest city in Sweden, and the commercial center of Northern Europe. Gothenburg was founded in 1621 by King of Sweden Gustav II Aldolf.

Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa to people at Millenium Platsen near the Stora Teatern (Grand Theater).

Practitioners practice the exercises and send forth righteous thoughts together.

Practitioners recall that Gothenburg and Paris were two cities where Falun Dafa first spread in Europe.

Practitioners in Gothenburg participated in the anniversary celebrations three days in a row. They showed the beauty of Falun Dafa at Millenium Platsen, adjacent to the Stora Teatern, and told people about the physical and mental benefits that Falun Dafa brings to practitioners. They also raised awareness of the ongoing 24-year-long persecution of practitioners in China.

Many people stopped to take photos, learn more about Falun Dafa and learn the exercises. Some wanted to buy Falun Dafa books, and some stood aside to feel the peaceful field of practitioners exercising in a group.

“You Are the Most Beautiful Scenery Here”

Marton praised Falun Dafa as “the most beautiful scenery”

Marton is a tall man. His mother is Swedish and his father is Middle Eastern. He was using the weekend to go out and enjoy the various celebrations. He stopped as he passed practitioners who were practicing exercises. “The energy here is so good!” he exclaimed.

He said he had seen practitioners doing the exercises when he was meeting his friends in Slottsskogen a few years ago. He had the idea of learning the practice at that time, but forgot about it after he became busy.

He encountered Falun Dafa again today and thought it was a reminder from God. He asked for information about the practice site and said he would not miss the opportunity again. “I walked around. Though it is very lively, it is too noisy,” he said. “You are the most beautiful scenery here, and it makes people feel very comfortable.”

He shook his head and expressed his disapproval of the dictatorship of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and what it does is to control the people with its persecution of practitioners in China. He hugged the practitioner before leaving and thanked her for letting him know more about Falun Dafa.

Old Gentleman: I Want to Buy These Two Books

A Swedish gentleman was reading Falun Dafa books

A Swedish gentleman, in his 70s, stood in front of the Falun Dafa information desk and looked around. He already had several different leaflets in his hand. When he saw the Falun Dafa book displayed on the side, he immediately picked it up and started reading it. A practitioner came up to him and asked if he knew anything about Falun Dafa. He replied that he knew a little bit. He then told the practitioner, “I want to buy these two books.”

The practitioner told him that the two books were only for display and that he could buy the two books at any practice site in Gothenburg and learn the exercises as well. He was very happy to hear that. He held a piece of information about the Gothenburg practice site in his hand and left happy.

Lawyer: I Like Falun Gong

Yusuf, a tall and handsome middle-aged man, was in Sweden as a tourist and can speak fluent Chinese. He watched the practitioners doing the exercises for a while, with a smile on his face. He then said to a practitioner who was handing out leaflets on the side, “I like Falun Dafa.”

Yusef went to college in China and worked there after graduation for seven years. He’s now working as a lawyer in a southern European country.

He was very happy to meet Falun Dafa at the Gothenburg Cultural Festival. He had heard that Falun Dafa was very good and expressed that he liked Falun Dafa very much. He said he was very fond of Chinese culture that predates the CCP.

He attentively listened to what a practitioner told him about Falun Dafa and the facts about the CCP’s persecution of it. He nodded from time to time to show his approval. He said, “It seems that I came here today to learn about Falun Dafa!”

Two women stopped in front of the practitioners and watched them demonstrating the exercises. When they learned that Falun Dafa can help practitioners achieve physical and mental health and find inner peace, they said at the same time, “This is very suitable for me!” They lived not far from one of the practice sites. They said they would go and learn the exercises. They talked with practitioners, learned more about Falun Dafa and as well as the facts about CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa.

Asian Swede Condemns the CCP’s Persecution

An Asian man read the informational display boards attentively. His eyes then stopped at a photo of a practitioner meditating. He told a practitioner, “I admire China’s rich traditional culture.” He had heard about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa from a friend. He considered it a disgrace and condemned the Chinese Communist regime of committing crimes against practitioners.

Swedish Woman: I Want to Learn the Exercises

A Swedish woman learns to meditate.

A couple and their three children stood in front of the booth and watched the practitioners practicing the exercises. After a while, their eldest daughter couldn’t restrain herself and ran to sit among practitioners and began to meditate. She said, “I want to learn the exercises.” A few minutes later, she said, “I feel so comfortable! I can feel that you are very good people. I’m glad to have met you today.” The family took some brochures and information about local practice sites.

Three young girls stopped to use their phones to take pictures of practitioners doing the exercises. They took flyers handed to them and started reading the information. One of the girls said, “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, I like these principles!” A friend echoed, “I fully support these values.” Another agreed, “These principles are very important.”

They talked more about the principles and had a good understanding. They took a few more flyers before leaving and said they would share the flyers with more friends to let more people know about Falun Dafa and join the call for an end to the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners.