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Approach Dafa Cultivation with a Humble and Devout Heart

Sept. 17, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Recently, I came to a deeper understanding of maintaining humility at all times in Falun Dafa cultivation.

Once there is the slightest thought that we are better than others, or that others are not very capable, or when others are praising us profusely, we should be vigilant and examine internally whether we are entertaining the notion that we are above others. We must pay attention and cultivate away the mentality of showing off and elation to avoid demonic interference from our own minds.

To save people, enlightened beings might choose to reincarnate in the human world and live in a situation where they need to beg for food to survive. We can never tell the origin of any being by just looking at them. Even if someone appears to be of low social status or has poor skills and abilities, they may come from a high level. We can’t judge things based on their surface appearance or use a human heart to determine who is a higher or lower being. The better one cultivates, the more one knows to be humble and respect others.

As Master told us:

“That’s Master telling you to mutually save and help each other, to save others while saving yourself—this is sentient beings saving each other at the end times.” (“Stay Far Away From Peril”)

Everyone in the world came for the Fa. It’s just that Dafa disciples had the opportunity to obtain Dafa earlier. Only when we cultivate ourselves well can we achieve our goal of assisting Master Li in saving people and return to our heavenly homes. Anyone who is still cultivating has nothing to boast or show off about.

Also, resentment and complaints are negative thoughts that cultivators must not have. Resentment often comes from pursuit. For example, if someone doesn’t get what they desire, and they complain about things using their human standards, they may grow resentful. 

Any pursuit in cultivation will not be achieved. As Master explained in his Fa teaching, “... getting things naturally without trying to get them.” (Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney)

If one treats everyone and everything with compassion and does not expect rewards or returns, it is impossible to generate resentment.

We cultivate ourselves; everything we encounter is for our cultivation, whether it is to eliminate our karma or for us to elevate. How can we expect the outside environment to change for our sake? Wouldn’t that be turning things upside down? Isn’t that pushing away the opportunity for us to improve?

The external environment will naturally improve when we improve, and the world will become better. 

This is what Master said, 

“The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and harmonizes everything.” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)

“Pacify the External by Cultivating the Internal” (“Pacify the External by Cultivating the Internal,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

When we meet resistance while trying to clarify the facts to people, we first need to look within. We might find the other party suddenly changes if we have a pure heart. Our efforts might be futile if we do not cultivate ourselves first and only demand that the other party listen to us. If we eliminate the attachments to pursuit and being demanding, our efforts could improve the situation. If we don’t, we might stray from the righteous path and go to the opposite side. 

Therefore, when the slightest resentment arises, we should be vigilant, look within right away, find the source of the attachment, and eliminate it. We should evaluate things from the cultivation standpoint and not accumulate so many tribulations that they reach a dangerous point.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)