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Tours, France: Raising Awareness of the CCP’s Ongoing Persecution

Sept. 2, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in France

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held an Information Day at Place de l'Hôtel de Ville in Tours on August 23, 2023. Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa, exposed the ongoing Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution, and demonstrated Falun Dafa’s exercises to tourists. People signed the petition to help end the persecution after learning the truth, and praised practitioners for their bravery and actions. They also thanked practitioners for letting them know about Falun Gong.

Tours was the first Silk Road city during the reign of King Louis XI. The city was also the capital of the Capetian Dynasty, and is where the Châteaux of the Loire Valley is located.

Falun Dafa practitioners held an information day at Place de l'Hôtel de Ville in Tours, France.

Practitioners demonstrating the exercises.

People sign a petition calling for an end to the persecution, and support practitioners’ efforts at stopping the CCP atrocities.

The weather was sunny and hot. Many people were still seen passing by the information booth during the hot afternoon. Some practitioners would move to a shady area to chat with passersby for a longer time.

A 16-year-old young man passed by on his bicycle. He was interested in Falun Dafa and asked many questions. “Why isn’t the international community investigating the crimes committed by the CCP?” “Why don’t we hear about Falun Dafa in the media?” “I have heard about the persecution of the Uyghurs, but I have not heard anything about Falun Dafa’s persecution.” “Why is the CCP persecuting a cultivation method that benefits people?”

He put his bike down and signed the petition after a practitioner answered his questions. He was grateful to the practitioner for providing him with all the answers.

A man from South Korea stopped by. He was adopted by a family in Tours when he was five years old. He spent a great deal of time reading all of the poster boards. He was in disbelief when he found out about the CCP regime’s organ harvesting from living practitioners. He stayed at the information booth for a long time and asked many questions. He signed the petition and took many truth-clarification materials with him. He stated that he would share the materials with his family and friends.

Agnès shows her interest in cultivating in Falun Dafa.

Agnès is from Gabon and has lived in Tours for many years. “I did not plan to come here today, but I think God sent me here. You [practitioners] are great people. I would like to learn this practice. I feel your energy field.” She decided to start practicing by watching Falun Dafa videos online.

She signed the petition and said that China was a dictatorial country. However, it was still very hard for her to imagine how brutal the CCP truly was.

Laure is a student. She knew that Falun Dafa practitioners in China were subjected to torture and live, forced organ harvesting. She said, “This is inhumane and should not exist. I cannot use any language to describe it. This is torture. The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are very important. Humankind needs these values.”

Elisa (left), a high school student, and her classmate.

Elisa is a high school student, and her classmate came across the Falun Dafa practitioners. She said after learning about the CCP regime’s persecution, “Millions of people are being persecuted because of their faith. This is horrible. People should not be persecuted because of their faith. It is also important to have a steadfast belief. The persecution is not normal, it is terrible. This should stop.”

Elisa believed that people should abide by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance so that they can help the world become a better place.

She continued, “There is no exact timing for when people should adhere to these principles. We should adhere to them today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.”

Many people were interested to start attending online instructional classes to practice Falun Dafa. Some encouraged practitioners, “You are doing a great job. It is fortunate that you are here and condemning the CCP and its crimes of committing genocide. We cannot see this in the media. We need to help those who do not have a voice in China.”