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Falun Dafa Creates Extraordinary Individuals

Sept. 22, 2023 |   By Chunlai, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) The vast spread of Falun Dafa has created countless extraordinary cultivators. I’d like to share some personal stories as well as those of several other practitioners.

My Story: A Sudden Turnaround

I live in a rural area, and my next-door neighbor is my mother-in-law. She was never very kind to me. She even criticized me for taking care of my children at night with the lights on, calling it wasteful. 

Her chickens and pigs could move freely, but I had to restrict my baby pig from moving around. Its food was often eaten by her pigs, and my baby pig finally died. 

My resentment towards her grew stronger, and I harbored immense thoughts of revenge. When her sunflowers were about to bloom, I secretly plucked off all the flower heads when no one was around. I even poisoned her pig after it grew big.

After I committed these bad deeds, retribution followed. Poisonous sores developed on my body, and I was diagnosed with lymphoma, leaving me deaf and mute for more than half a year. 

I spent all of my money treating my disease. While I helplessly waited for my death, my parents told me about Falun Dafa, and I obtained the Fa

Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, rescued me from hell, curing all my illnesses without me spending a penny. My joy and my gratitude towards Master Li could not be expressed in words.

The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance have completely changed my life and values. Filled with remorse towards my mother-in-law, I wholeheartedly strove to treat her well. 

I often cooked delicious meals, provided food, and grew crops for her. I tried my best with a sincere heart to help her whenever she needed assistance. 

Over time, she has been deeply moved, so has my husband. And he also learned to treat my parents well.

I cherish the opportunity Master has given me to cultivate. 

I have cultivated diligently to improve myself and cooperated well with other practitioners, striving on the path of assisting Master in saving sentient beings. I don’t want to let Master down.

Practitioner Ping: Immense Compassion 

Ping’s husband divorced her, but her mother-in-law still wanted to live with her, and Ping agreed. 

During holidays and festivals, Ping’s ex-husband often came to visit his mother, bringing along his new wife and child. Ping responded with courtesy and respect. 

On one occasion, the new wife’s foot was injured, and no one was available to take care of her in the hospital. Ping’s ex-husband approached her for help. 

Ping agreed without hesitating. The wife’s family, relatives, and friends visited her in the hospital and were deeply impressed by Ping’s character and compassion. Ping helped them all quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

The Story of Practitioner Dong: Treating Former Father-in-Law with Kindness

Dong lives in a rural area and is divorced because her husband cheated on her. Her ex-husband’s father, who couldn’t take care of himself, didn’t feel comfortable living with his son’s new family and wanted to return to his ex-daughter-in-law’s home. 

When Dong learned about it, she brought the elderly man home in a handcart. Dong took care of him for seven years, providing meals, and assisting for his needs until his passing. 

The elderly man praised his former daughter-in-law whenever he saw people, thanking her for her kindness. 

Dong told him, “Please don’t thank me, thank Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa. My Master taught me to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and be a better person. If I didn’t practice Falun Dafa, I wouldn’t have had the heart to do these things.” 

The old man repeatedly expressed his gratitude to people he met, saying, “Thank Falun Dafa! Thank Master Li Hongzhi! It’s Falun Dafa that made my daughter-in-law so kind!”

The Story of Practitioner Hui: Saving Her Ex-Husband

Hui’s ex-husband was deceived and poisoned by the CCP’s propaganda about Falun Dafa, so he opposed Falun Dafa, divorced her, and soon remarried. 

His health declined years later, and he couldn’t make as much money as before. 

His new wife abandoned him and drove him out of their home. He was left homeless and continue to suffer poor health.

When Hui heard about it, she felt very sad for her ex-husband, and thought to herself, “If I don’t bring him back, he might soon lose his life, missing the great opportunity of knowing Falun Dafa, and positioning himself well.” 

With that in mind, she discussed it with her son and daughter-in-law, suggesting that they invite her ex-husband back. Her son readily agreed. 

Her ex-husband changed his past attitude towards Falun Dafa completely after returning home. Not only did he no longer hinder Hui’s cultivation, but he also supported practitioners in studying the Fa together in their home. 

When other practitioners brought a lot of truth-clarification materials to their house, her ex-husband warmly welcomed them and safely stored the materials. When practitioners needed to go to different villages to distribute the materials, he drove them to their destinations and picked them up afterward. 

When police officers came to harass them, he dealt with them wisely and sent them away. On one occasion, when the police confiscated Hui’s Dafa books, he used his connections to retrieve them.

I have personally experienced and heard many stories like this. I hope the people who are still deceived by the CCP’s lies can learn the truth of Falun Dafa. 

In conclusion, I’d like to share a few sentences from Master Li Hongzhi’s article: 

“... you should do good deeds, don’t do bad things, remain kind, respect heaven and Gods, and take joy in helping others. In this way you will accumulate blessings and virtue, and will be rewarded in the next life.” (“Why There Is Mankind”)