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Taking Time to Help Someone Won’t Affect Our Schedule to Save People

Sept. 24, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Large markets attract big crowds, so I try to organize my time to go out often to tell people the truth about the persecution and help Master Li Hongzhi (Dafa’s founder) save sentient beings.

In April 2021, I was late in getting to one market. I saw a person struggling to pull a cargo tricycle and another bike. I tried to talk to him, but he used hand signs. I thought he may have been disabled, so I asked if he wanted me to help push the tricycle. Although I offered, I worried that it would be time-consuming.

The person continued to use hand signs, suggesting that he wanted me to help him push the tricycle to the roadside, so it wouldn’t block other vehicles. Although I just wanted to hurry along to the market, I still helped him.

While I moved the tricycle to the roadside, he moved his own bike and parked it alongside. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I then noticed he had a tube inserted into his throat. It seemed he recently had surgery. I felt sorry for him and told him not to be afraid. I said, “My mom recovered well and lived for 17 years after her surgery.” He seemed happy with what I said. I then told him about quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations to have a bright future. He smiled, gave me a thumbs up, and agreed to quit. 

I felt ashamed after we said goodbye, as I almost missed this predestined person due to my selfishness. As it turned out, when I got to the market, I helped about the same number of people quit the Party as usual. 

Master Li said,

“Saving people is just that, saving people, and to pick and choose would not be merciful.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume IX)

Nothing comes to me by accident, as everything is arranged by Master. Isn’t it a process to cultivate myself while clarifying the truth? When any selfish thoughts or attachments to being delayed appear, I should eliminate them so I won’t let Master down. Anything I perceive on the superficial level is not real. The truth will appear only when I let go of these human notions, be compassionate to everyone, and cultivate myself well.