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Supporters of Falun Dafa Wish Revered Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 29, 2023

(Minghui.org) With the approach of the Mid-Autumn Festival (September 29, 2023), many supporters of Falun Dafa in China sent in greetings to wish Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, a happy holiday. They expressed the joy of finally seeing through the lies perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and shared how they benefited from identifying with Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

A resident of Beijing said her husband had strong reactions with persistent high fever after being forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine shot. After he was taken to the hospital, the doctor said they didn’t have medicine to treat him, but could only give him IV drips to bring down his temperature.

Soon, her husband fainted. She then remembered the auspicious phrases a Falun Dafa practitioner told her. She recited the phrases “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good” to her husband. Twenty minutes later, his hand moved. He opened his eyes and said, “I want to go home.” Upon returning home, his fever went away and he completely recovered.

Another resident of Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, recalled that he met a Falun Dafa practitioner in 2013, who gave him a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and persuaded him to quit the CCP. The practitioner told him that he would receive blessings for distancing himself from the CCP.

Not long after, he was hit by a car while riding an electric bike. He flew out for more than ten meters and was in a coma for three days. His wife found a fortune-teller, who said that her husband would be alright as he was protected by a big Buddha. Soon, he woke up and was discharged after 20 days. He didn’t have any sequelae and was as healthy as before. He thanked Master Li for protecting him in the accident, otherwise, he may become disabled after such a severe accident and wouldn’t have recovered so quickly.

A small business owner in Bazhong City, Sichuan Province said he received informational materials about Falun Dafa from a practitioner and also agreed to quit the CCP. He didn’t only recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,” but also used the paper currency exchanged with the practitioner that was printed with short messages about the practice to raise awareness about the persecution.

When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, most of the vendors in the market were infected, but he remained healthy and still enjoyed good business. He knew that it was a blessing given by Master Li. He thanked Master Li for bringing hope to people.

A family member of a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jianping County, Liaoning Province, wrote, “Although I didn’t practice Falun Dafa myself, I’ve benefitted so much from it. I stayed healthy during the pandemic and didn’t take one day of sick leave. Instead, I covered the shifts for my coworker. Influenced by the Dafa practitioner in my family, I also like to help others and feel good about it. I really appreciate Master Li in teaching so many disciples with high morality.”