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Practitioners from Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan Wish Master Li a Happy New Year

Jan. 1, 2024 |   By Li Wei’an, a Minghui correspondent in Nantou, Taiwan

(Minghui.org) Sun Moon Lake in central Taiwan is a famous tourist destination. Since 2008, when Taiwan opened up to mainland tourism, practitioners in central Taiwan have voluntarily gone to the attraction to spread the facts and help mainland tourists quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

Practitioners have displayed banners and distributed information every day, rain or shine, for fifteen years. Many tourists came forward to take photos, and talk to practitioners to learn more about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Some people had initially misunderstood Dafa. After talking to the practitioners and learning the truth, they expressed their admiration, and some wanted to learn the practice immediately.

Some passersby often give the practitioners a thumbs up and say, “Falun Dafa is good.” Others say, “You’re wonderful, thank you! You’ve worked so hard!” Some people wanted to give them money, but practitioners told them they did not accept cash or gifts.

On the occasion of the New Year in 2024, practitioners at the attractions wish Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, a happy New Year.

Video 1: Practitioners Sun at Moon Lake Attraction wish Master a Happy New Year!

Video 2: Practitioners at Wenwu Temple and Xuanguang Temple Attractions wish Master a Happy New Year!

From Skepticism to Thumbs Up

Qiu Yue often goes to Sun Moon Lake to clarify the truth. She said, “There was a tourist who once misunderstood Dafa. He had a bad attitude at first and cursed.” In the afternoon, this tourist came again and approached Qiu Yue with a nasty attitude, saying, “You are here every day. I saw practitioners in Taipei and everywhere. Who paid you to come here?”

Qiu Yue replied politely, “We all benefit physically and spiritually from practicing Dafa, so we all volunteered to tell people the facts about Falun Dafa. The practitioners here are from all walks of life, including business owners, bank assistants, and retired teachers. No one has ever paid us any money. All practitioners in the world are doing this voluntarily.”

Qiu Yue also told this visitor about the persecution, including the forced organ harvesting. These truths opened his heart, and finally the tourist gave an admiring thumbs-up and said, “You work too hard! Thank you!” He took photos with the practitioners.

The tourist (far left) understood the truth and gave a thumbs-up.

“The Power of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Makes You Persistent.”

Gui Zhen also met a man who had questions. He asked, “You can be seen worldwide spreading Dafa, but what kind of power makes you do that?

Gui Zhen replied, “We have all benefited physically and spiritually from practicing Dafa. We come here to clarify the truth because many people were poisoned by the CCP’s propaganda and misunderstood Dafa.”

Gui Zhen continued, “Besides, the morality of today’s society is very bad. We tell people to be good people. Won’t it be a good thing if more people can be honest, kind, and tolerant?”

When the man heard “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” he said, “I see! It is the power of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance that makes you so persistent.”

A Destined Person Came Thousands of Miles to Quit the Party

Hui Xiang is the manager of a well-known cosmetics store often ranked among the best in Taiwan.

Huixiang (center) is a well-known cosmetics store manager.

A confused mainland tourist asked one day, “How much do you get paid per day to distribute flyers here?” Hui Xiang knew that he must have been deceived by the lies, and misunderstood that the practitioners were paid to come here, so she asked, “My company employs nearly several hundred people. Does it make sense for me to come here to get paid? How much should I be paid per day here?”

Huixiang continued, “The CCP slanders, spreads rumors, and persecutes Falun Gong. We benefit from Falun Gong, so I feel that I should come forward to tell people the truth.”

This tourist’s attitude changed, and he began to engage in conversation with the practitioners. He said he lost his passport when he traveled to another country in 2017. A practitioner at a tourist attraction found the passport and returned it to him.

After talking with the practitioner, the tourist quit the CCP.

People Who Knew the Truth Spread the Truth

While Xiu Zhen was handing out information, a group of tourists from a technology company walked by. A Mr. Li approached her and said, “I know the facts about Falun Dafa, and I know that Falun Dafa is good. Your sincerity and kindness touch me. I wanted to do something to help, so I took the initiative to collect more than six hundred signatures for the petition calling to end the persecution of Falun Dafa.”

Mr. Li (second from right) from a technology company learned the truth about Dafa and told Xiu Zhen (first from right) that he had collected more than six hundred signatures for the petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Xiu Zhen gave him a thumbs-up and said, “You’ve done great!”

Participants often encounter tour guides at attractions. A tour guide with Filipino tourists passed and explained Falun Dafa to his tourists in English. Later, he gave a thumbs-up and said, “Falun Dafa is good!”

A tour guide with Filipino tourists introduced Falun Gong to his tourists, gave a thumbs-up sign, and said, “Falun Dafa is good!

The tour guide gave a thumbs up and said, “Falun Dafa is good!

A family from Indonesia took photos in front of the banners.

While waiting for the tourists, a tour guide told the practitioners, “When mainland tourists came to Sun Moon Lake and saw your display boards and banners, they were shocked and asked me why you could put them up.”

The guide said, “I often told mainland tourists that Taiwan is a free and democratic country with human rights and freedoms. Practitioners can freely express their opinions. I always encouraged the tourists to accept your materials and learn the truth while in a free land.”