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Anhui Woman Given Second 3-Year Prison Term for Her Faith in Falun Gong

Jan. 5, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Anhui Province, China

(Minghui.org) A woman in Huainan City, Anhui Province was sentenced to three years with a 7,000-yuan fine for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Wang Yuxiang’s family learned of her conviction in December 2023, but does not know her exact sentencing date.

The sentencing of Ms. Wang, around 66, stemmed from an incident in January 2023, when she was reported for distributing Falun Gong informational materials. The Yuannan Police Station raided her home days later, on January 20, and confiscated her computer, printer and Falun Gong books. 

The police did not arrest Ms. Wang that day, but officer Li Zhantao deceived her into going to the police station in June 2023, claiming that she needed to go through some formalities regarding her case. She went, only to be taken straight to a local detention center.

The Xiejiaji District Procuratorate indicted Ms. Wang at an unknown date and the Xiejiaji District Court heard her case in mid-September 2023. A court-appointed lawyer was instructed to enter a guilty plea for her. Only two of her family members were allowed to attend the hearing. Her loved ones learned of her conviction in December 2023.

Past Persecution – Two Years of Forced Labor and Three Years of Prison 

Ms. Wang credits Falun Gong for curing her stomach problems, migraine, and frozen shoulder, but she has been repeatedly targeted for upholding her faith since the persecution began in 1999. 

She was arrested on January 19, 2004 and given two years of forced labor on March 11 that year. She was soon transferred to the Hefei City Women’s Forced Labor Camp.

The Liulizhan Police Station arrested Ms. Wang on August 22, 2011 after she was reported for talking to people about Falun Gong on the street. Hours later officer Ye Tao from the police station, along with Zhao Lei, Liu and Zhu Lei from the Tianjiaan Domestic Security Office, raided her home and confiscated her Falun Gong books, informational materials and her child’s computer.

Ms. Wang was taken to the Huainan City First Detention Center that night. She was ordered to do hard labor without pay and denied family visits during her three months of detention there. 

Her husband had just been laid off and was doing odd jobs to support their family. He also struggled to take care of his parents in their 80s and his elderly mother-in-law. He went to seek Ms. Wang’s release but the police directed him to the local court. 

Ms. Wang was later sentenced to three years at an unknown date and transferred to the Suzhou Prison.