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Some Thoughts on Opposing Persecution Based on the Law

Feb. 20, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) The Minghui website recently reported that the 12th Ward in Liaoning Women’s Prison has been using brutal methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, and one of the practitioners mentioned was from our city. After reading the report, a practitioner who was once held in the 12th Ward said that the torture methods used there were indeed extremely cruel.

Practitioners in our area decided to send forth righteous thoughts regarding this. We also found the practitioner’s family and wrote a letter to the captain of the 12th Ward. In the letter, we exposed the persecution and strongly requested that they stop the brutality. Based on the Constitution and prison laws, we pointed out that such actions were illegal, because the guards and police officers should be protecting the practitioners. We warned them that we would file a complaint with the authorities and report the situation if it continues. We also mentioned that they would be blessed if they treat practitioners kindly.

The practitioner’s family members had a pure heart when writing the letter. They used their real names in the letter. When it was time to visit the practitioner, we learned that the prison environment had become more relaxed for her. We realized that as long as our actions are in accordance with Dafa, Master would handle everything.

The Minghui website also reported on a Jinzhou City practitioner named Ms. Ma Zhiru, as well as many other practitioners who were held in the 12th Ward. We hope that practitioners will contact their family members and oppose the persecution based on the law, and clarify to the family members that these practitioners are good people. It is, in fact, the guards and officers who are violating the law. The process of helping the family members understand facts is also saving them.

Master said:

“Everything Dafa disciples are doing at present is to save the world’s people and all beings, to expose the persecution, and to put an end to the persecution. So you cannot accept any of the evil’s persecutory acts, and even less should you allow the evil to do whatever it wants persecuting Dafa disciples. If the wicked policemen and the bad people can’t be dissuaded and persist in doing evil, you can stop them with righteous thoughts. When Dafa disciples have strong righteous thoughts and no fear, they can use righteous thoughts to turn the tables on the evildoers. Whether it’s when the wicked policemen are using electric batons or when bad people are injecting drugs to persecute you, you can use your righteous thoughts to redirect the electric current or the drugs back to the person doing violence to you. You can do it with or without your palm erected—it works as soon as your righteous thoughts emerge.” (“Stop the Evil Acts With Righteous Thoughts,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

We hope that more practitioners will pay attention to the persecution happening in the 12th Ward. Opposing the persecution in various ways will quickly disintegrate the evil in the prison, as it is afraid of being exposed in the first place.

Using Various Methods to Oppose the Persecution

Three practitioners in our area were arrested and detained in 2023 for distributing calendars containing information about Falun Gong. After hearing about it, we sent forth righteous thoughts, and exposed the arrest on the Internet. We also went with the family members to clarify the truth at the police station and request the release of the practitioners. Two of the practitioners were released, while the remaining one was still detained. We did not give up. A lawyer visited the practitioner and was told that they were persecuted severely and not allowed to sleep or use the restroom. The practitioner had been forced to stand for the entire day and was very weak. After discussing this, we wrote a letter to the director of the detention center and exposed the abuse.

When the lawyer visited the practitioner the next time, the lawyer noticed that the practitioner had changed, and learned that the environment in the detention center had become more relaxed. The guards were transferred away and the practitioner no longer felt such pressure.

We also wrote a letter to the guards telling them about Falun Gong and asking them to treat practitioners kindly. When the practitioner was in detention, we continued calling the detention center, requesting to meet with the practitioner. The detention center initially tried to dismiss the request, ignore the phone calls, and said that it is impossible to visit. We encouraged the family to call more often. One day, the detention center informed the family that they could visit, but only three family members would be allowed and IDs and proof of relationship was required.

Since I was not part of the family, I only had my ID. The family members said that they wanted me to go with them. I told them to ask Master for help. When we arrived, the guard at the gate said I was not allowed to enter without the proof of relationship. Because I was persistent and polite, two guards discussed it and finally let me in. We met with the practitioner for more than 40 minutes. As we encouraged the practitioner, the guard nearby did not interrupt us. The guard even listened as the practitioner said that she had persuaded many people in the detention center to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations.

When it was time to leave, the practitioner assured us that she would continue to do well. Before leaving, we told the guard to treat practitioners kindly, and she promised to do so. I came to understand that as long as we were selfless, miracles would happen.

Breaking Through the Evil Arrangement – Requesting the Prison to Allow Visits

Many family members and practitioners were helpless when the prison refused visitation. But I think this happens because our righteous thoughts are not strong enough and we are not clear on related laws. Not long ago, another practitioner came to our area and talked about using the law to oppose the persecution. She shared her experiences and explained some laws to us, plus the phone numbers to call if any officer violated the law. Her sharing helped us tremendously.

We also downloaded the prison law from the public domain, including how to use it to protect ourselves while in prison, how to report the officers who violate the laws, and how to file a complaint to authorities. We can also refer to the Constitution and other laws. We are not relying on the laws, but we can use them to oppose the persecution.

There is a practitioner in a nearby village who was arrested and detained for nearly a year at a detention center. She was later sentenced and her family was still not allowed to visit her. After hearing about this, we contacted the family and told them the facts about Falun Gong. The family agreed to work with us and asked the prison to let us visit the practitioner. We continued to tell the family members about Dafa, and showed them articles on the law that we downloaded from the Internet so they could have a clearer understanding. The family members’ confidence increased after reading the articles.

When we arrived at the prison, the guards told us to wait outside. We waited for a very long time before a guard called us. We put the call on speaker and heard the other party verifying the family members’ identity. The family member said that she was the daughter-in-law. The guard then told her that her mother-in-law did not renounce her belief, and was thus not allowed to have any visitors. The guard also said that they would inform us once they were allowed to visit. I quickly took the phone and asked the guard if their action was in accordance with the Constitution, and said that we could immediately report their illegal actions to the prison chief. The guard hung up immediately. I told the family to call them again, but the guard hung up soon after. When we went to ask the other guards, we were told that the captain would meet with us in a while.

We sent forth righteous thoughts while waiting, and two female guards came shortly with two rolls of paper in hand. They asked for our IDs. As the other practitioners and I did not bring our IDs, the guards wanted us to leave. The guards then told the family about the rules in the prison, how well the practitioner was doing inside, and that they could visit the practitioner once she gave up her belief.

The family member said, “My mom is a good person and didn’t violate any law. Why can’t we meet with her? Whether she gives up her belief, and my request to meet with her are two different things.” The guard then asked, “Your mom practices Falun Gong. Do you accept it too?” The daughter-in-law replied, “We are okay with her practice, since she is happy with it and all her illnesses were cured after she began practicing Falun Gong.” This continued for more than ten minutes before I told the family that we should sue them for not allowing us to visit.

Upon hearing this, the captain said, “Didn’t we tell you to leave?” The guard said, “I won’t let you meet today. I don’t have the power. You came here without notice. I guarantee that I will quickly arrange for a meeting but I can’t guarantee when it will happen. Rest assured that we will take good care of your mother.” The guard then pointed at another guard and said that she treated the practitioner kindly. A few days later, the prison informed the family that they could visit the practitioner.

In 2023, two months after the practitioner was sentenced, the practitioner’s family member told me about how the prison refused visitation, and asked if I could accompany her to visit the prison. I agreed and told her that we would sue them if they refused to let us meet. Both of us and a few other practitioners went to the prison. Two young guards came and asked for our IDs and proof of relationship. As only the family member provided the documents, the rest of us were not allowed to go with her. The guards talked for a long time with the relative while holding two rolls of papers. We waited for a while before the relative came back and said that she was not allowed to meet, as the practitioner had not given up her belief. When I wanted to talk, the guards showed us a video and asked us to listen, but we didn’t hear anything.

We knew that the guards were trying to fool us, and we should not leave like this. With my righteous thoughts increasing, we went to the guards again. They panicked upon seeing our return and asked us why we returned. I said that we wanted to meet with the practitioner, and would like to know why they won’t allow us to visit her. The guard took out the documents she was holding and said that the prison rules were stated in the document, and they did not have the power to let us in. I told them that those rules were not the Constitution or the prison law, as it is our right to request to meet with the practitioner. I told them that we would file a complaint with the prison chief if we did not see the practitioner that day.

The guard then told us to wait while they looked for the captain. Two officers came and asked who was the family member. The guard said that no one here had the power to let us meet with the practitioner, or they would be fired. I told them that they should understand us too, as we were worried since it had been a long time since we saw the practitioner.

Hearing this, the guard said, “I can understand you and I will make an exception today to let you have a phone call. I will arrange for it quickly. Is that okay?” We had a phone call and heard the practitioner crying. The family member told her to say who had bullied her. The call then abruptly ended.

One minute later, the guard called back and the practitioner no longer dared to cry, and instead said that she was doing very well. The call lasted for more than 20 minutes and the family tried to assure the practitioner not to be afraid to say anything. Next were three officers who looked very anxious while the captain on the other line assured the family member that no one would dare bully the practitioner. They said a meeting will be arranged very soon. I could feel that the whole process was a battle between the good and evil in another dimension.

With Master’s help and practitioners’ strong righteous thoughts, we were able to use the law to oppose the persecution.