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Cultivate Diligently to Become a Genuine Dafa Practitioner

May 8, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m 74 years old. I’ve come to understand that Master gave me a healthy body to assist in Fa-rectification and save sentient beings. Every day, I dedicate myself to doing the three things: studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa, either in person or by distributing materials.

I cooperate well with another practitioner. Together, we print and distribute materials in residential areas at night and clarify the truth face-to-face during the day. If we go during the day, we study the Fa with other practitioners at night, since they are busy during the day. We’ve found this approach to be highly beneficial and makes us more diligent in cultivation. We took six months to distribute truth-clarification materials throughout the village.

Setbacks in Cultivation

My daughter-in-law quit her job so she could clarify the truth with me. One day, she drove a three-wheeler, and we distributed a lot of Dafa informational materials and helped five or six people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations on her first day. She was thrilled, especially since it was her first time she’d ever done this kind of Dafa work. After we finished for the day, we went back to her home, and I walked home from there. We live close to each other.

As I walked, I was excited because there was another practitioner joining the truth-clarification efforts, which meant more hope for sentient beings. I was so absorbed in this feeling that I didn’t watch my step and stumbled, falling head first on the ground. I reassured myself that Dafa practitioners are always protected by Master. I told a passerby who stopped to help that I was fine and walked on.

When I got home, I saw abrasions on my left cheek, underneath my eye, and a small amount of bleeding.

Master said,

“We have said that good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun).

Looking inward, I realized that my elation might have been an attachment of zealotry. The next day, I woke up and noticed that my cheek was bruised and purple. Luckily, I was fine within a week. I had been studying the Fa diligently daily, but thinking about the incident frightened me. I am in my 70s, and I fell flat on my face. If it wasn’t for Master’s protection, I could have been seriously injured. I promised to cultivate more diligently and avoid giving the old forces any excuse to persecute me. Thankfully, the incident didn’t deter me from going out to clarify the truth. This is the mission of a Dafa practitioner, an obligation that I must fulfill.

Recalling the incident, I was overly excited after convincing a few people to quit the CCP organizations and because another practitioner had joined the truth-clarification effort. I had developed the attachment of zealotry. A cultivator should maintain an attitude of indifference even in moments of happiness and eliminate attachments of hatred, superiority, and any thoughts that do not align with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

Driver: “I met a good person today”

My husband’s friend invited us to dinner at his place. He had already quit the CCP and its youth organizations, so I saw this as an opportunity to introduce him to Falun Dafa. I brought along a copy of Zhuan Falun, a USB drive with Dafa information, truth-clarification pamphlets, and a Minghui Weekly magazine.

On our way to his house, I didn’t notice a car reversing in front of me, and the driver didn’t see us either. The car hit my bike, and we fell into the opposite lane. Fortunately, there was no traffic. The driver got out to see if we were okay. I assured him that we were fine and asked if there was any damage to his car. Master taught me to think of others at all times and in any situation.

It came to me that it was no coincidence that he’d hit me, so when he rolled down his window and asked if he could help me with anything, I asked him if he’d heard about quitting the CCP organizations. He said he’d never joined any of them, so I said, “Have you seen anything about Falun Dafa? I can give you a USB drive with information on it. It explains everything clearly. After you watch it, please share it with your family and friends. And here is an amulet for protection. Recite the words on it, 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' and you will be blessed and protected.”

He was very happy and kept thanking me. He said, “I ran into you. Not only did you not swear at me, but you gave me a keepsake to protect me.”

I replied, “I cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and try to put others first. Besides, you didn’t do it intentionally.” As I was leaving, I heard him say, “I met a kind person today.”

Genuinely Cultivating

I often read articles about practitioners being able to memorize the Fa a dozen times, which motivated me to do the same. Despite failing in my previous attempts to memorize Zhuan Falun, I’m determined not to give up this time. It’s been over three months since I started memorizing it again, and I still haven't finished the first lecture. But I’m committed to overcoming any obstacles, memorizing the Fa, following the standards of the Fa, and striving to be a true practitioner.